6326 results found
Health topics
… blood to your entire body. When the ventricle gets thick, other changes can happen in the heart. The heart's … high cholesterol. If you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drug use, talk to your doctor. High …
Health topics
… Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read … likely to take sexual risks, do poorly in school, and use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. They are also at higher risk for …
Health topics
… care. Find advice on coping with discomfort, bleeding and other related issues. Discomfort After a vaginal delivery, … water over your vaginal area or sitting in a warm bath. Use pain relievers as needed. Sit on a soft cushion to … discharge from the your vagina for about two to six weeks. During the first two to three days, flow is dark red with …
Health topics
… hormone analogue (GnRH-a) therapy may be used to shrink fibroids and the uterus. This may allow your doctor to use a smaller cut during the surgery. And it can also improve anemia before … But it does not seem to improve pregnancy chances with any other kind of fibroid. After myomectomy, a caesarean section …
Health topics
… Information Overview Breastfeeding can be used as a method of birth control . This is called the … much more likely to become pregnant. You'll need to use another method of birth control to prevent pregnancy. You must … best if you don't go longer than 4 hours between feedings during the day and no more than 6 hours between feedings at …
Health topics
… for controlling asthma over the long term. There are also other types of controller medicines. How do they work? … or pharmacist about any past allergic reactions you've had. Drug interactions. Sometimes one medicine may keep another … with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during …
Health topics
… better and live longer. Beta-blockers are also used for other health problems that are not related to the heart. … or pharmacist about any past allergic reactions you've had. Drug interactions. Sometimes one medicine may keep another … with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during …
Health topics
… pump blood through your lungs. Pulmonary hypertension may cause heart failure . Heart failure means that your heart … with different causes. For example, it may be caused by: Another disease. Many conditions can lead to pulmonary … , or rheumatoid arthritis . Sickle cell disease . Certain drugs or toxins. Inherited gene changes. Unknown causes. …
Health topics
… or depression. People with weight problems. People with alcohol or drug use problems. People with mental health or … People who exercise in the heat. People who are homeless. Other things that affect a person's risk for a heat-related …
Health topics
… moving. But many children with learning disabilities have other conditions that make school hard. These include ADHD … illness or injury during or before birth or by the use of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy. After a child is born, a head …