6326 results found
Health topics
… or pharmacist about any past allergic reactions you've had. Drug interactions. Sometimes one medicine may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side … with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during …
Medical tests
… bone has been fractured or a joint dislocated . It is also used to check for an injury or damage from conditions such … as an infection, arthritis , bone growths (tumours), or other bone diseases, such as osteoporosis . Why It Is Done … is examined. You will be given a cloth or paper gown to use during the test. You may be allowed to keep on your …
Health topics
… or pharmacist about any past allergic reactions you've had. Drug interactions. Sometimes one medicine may keep another medicine from working well. Or you may get a side … with certain foods or drinks, like grapefruit juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during …
Health topics
… cancer, depending where the cancer is located. What causes it? The exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known. … you may feel like your bowels aren't emptying completely. Other symptoms may include belly or rectal pain. How is it … Not getting enough physical activity. Drinking too much alcohol. The more alcohol you drink, the greater your risk …
Health topics
… body can lower sodium levels in the blood. It can also cause symptoms such as swelling. Limiting fluids, if your … dry, try lip balm. But stick with your program. Can I have alcohol? Alcohol can raise your blood pressure, which makes … amount of liquid allowed for the day. As you drink liquids during the day, such as 3/4 cup (175 mL) of coffee, pour …
Health topics
… or longer. After a cluster period ends, you may not get another headache for months or even years. As you get older, … though they are very painful, cluster headaches don't cause long-term harm. During a cycle, you may be able to … them may help prevent headaches. Triggers include: Drinking alcohol. Sleep problems. It's best if you go to bed and wake …
Health topics
… and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Preventing Another Heart Attack Life After a Heart Attack Medicines … like intense exercise, sudden strong emotion, or illegal drug use (such as a stimulant, like cocaine) can trigger a … ask your doctor whether you need another dose. If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation . Ask your doctor how much, if …
Health topics
… home treatment, equipment, or lab reports. They are often caused by a lack of good communication. Medical errors may … involved in your health care. This includes your doctors, other health professionals, family, and friends. The … you when you see your doctor. Tell your doctor about any drug allergies or other reactions to medicine you have. If …
Health topics
… Make dinner the last thing you eat until breakfast. Use portion control. Measure one portion of a snack into a … aren't tempted to keep reaching into the box or bag. Limit alcohol If you drink, limiting alcohol may help you manage … alcohol in 142 mL (5 fl oz) Gin, rum, vodka, whiskey, and other "hard" liquor [43 mL (1.5 fl oz)]: 97 calories and 14 …
Health topics
… of blood clots more than birth control pills that contain other types of progestin. footnote 1 The progestin called … than the low-dose birth control pills do. Women who use the patch are slightly more likely to get dangerous … From The Medical Letter , 8(100): 89–96. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2011). FDA Drug Safety Communication: …