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Health topics
… But most people infected with H. pylori don't get ulcers. Another factor—one that can't always be identified—may be … are aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) . Excessive alcohol use . Other illnesses. How is the infection treated? …
Health topics
… in the third trimester Last updated August 10, 2013 During the third trimester (the last three months of … wrinkled and red. The body can now store iron, calcium, and other nutrients. Your baby can also hear and respond to … have cracks as the amount of vernix continues to decrease. Useful resources Interactive tool: From embryo to baby in 9 …
Health topics
… chambers of the heart enlarge and weaken. Examples include: Alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Drug-related cardiomyopathy, including cocaine and … the changes in the heart muscle can lead to other heart problems such as heart failure. Heart failure …
Medical tests
… catheterization is a test to check your heart. This test uses a thin, flexible tube called a catheter that is … Before the test, remove any necklaces, bracelets, rings, or other jewellery. You should also remove nail polish from … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should …
Health topics
… through the valve, which can weaken the heart and cause other problems. What causes it? Nearly all cases of mitral … things that aren't so good for your heart, like sodium, alcohol, and sugar. Be active but don't start an exercise … If you think you may have a problem with alcohol or drug use, talk to your doctor. Take care of yourself. Call …
Health topics
… may help shrink swollen tissues in the nose, sinuses, throat, and the space behind the eardrum (middle ear). … thyroid. Decongestants may also interact with some drugs, such as certain antidepressants and high blood … Respiratory Problems, Age 11 and Younger Sore Throat and Other Throat Problems Tonsillitis Adaptation Date: …
Health topics
… Mothers' physical changes in the first trimester Last updated … body goes through lots of physical and emotional changes during the first trimester of pregnancy. Learn what to … If you feel down for longer than seven days and things that used to give you joy no longer do, you may have perinatal …
Medical tests
… Overview An angiogram of the lung is an X-ray test that uses a special dye and camera ( fluoroscopy ) to take … of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the lung . During an angiogram, a thin tube called a catheter is placed … blood to the lungs, to look for lung problems, or to find other causes of blockage or narrowing of the vessels. How To …
Health topics
… get enough oxygen from the air at high altitudes. This causes symptoms such as a headache, loss of appetite, and … So you need to breathe faster. This causes the headache and other symptoms of altitude sickness. As your body gets used … your doctor may ask if you have been drinking fluids or alcohol or using any medicines, or if you have a cold or …
Health topics
… loss, your process of grieving will be different from another person's experience. There is no "normal and expected" … such as reckless driving, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs, or having unprotected sex. Like adults, preteens and …