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Health topics
… Keep trying to get pregnant on your own, or think about other options for parenting. Key points to remember … A woman's fertility drops from her mid-30s into her 40s because of the natural aging of the egg supply. A man's … found an increased risk of miscarriage when either of these drugs is used. Don't have treatment Don't have treatment You …
Health topics
… These are the nerves that lead from the spinal cord to other parts of the body. These nerves control your sense of … coordination, such as walking or fastening buttons. What causes it? Doctors don't always know what causes peripheral … in the blood that damage nerves. Vitamin deficiencies and alcohol use disorder. Not getting enough nutrients, such as …
Health topics
… help prevent sexual and body fluids from being exchanged during sex. They do not protect against sexually transmitted … that are passed by skin-to-skin contact. Birth control use should be consistent to ensure the best outcome. Even … Some hormonal methods require you to take a daily pill. Others, like the patch, release the hormones slowly over a …
Medical tests
… Overview Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a test that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to … scan . MRI also may show problems that cannot be seen with other imaging methods. For an MRI test, the area of the body … room. In some cases, contrast material may be used during the MRI scan to show certain structures more clearly. …
Health topics
… doctor may suggest that you eat more calories each day than otherwise recommended for a person of your height and … can pass through breast milk to your baby. It may cause fussiness and sleep problems. Talk to your doctor about how much caffeine is safe for you. Limit alcohol. Alcohol can pass through breast milk to your baby. …
Health topics
… until your doctors feel it is safe for you to go home. During this time, staff on the cardiac recovery floor will … take deep breaths. Taking deep breaths is the only way to use your lungs to full capacity. If you fail to take … the clock and can help you if you have any medical or other concerns. Other medical team members who might be part …
Health topics
… Rowing. Seated exercises. Arm and upper-body exercises. Other non-weight-bearing exercises. Avoiding heart and blood … of having a heart attack (often a silent heart attack ) during strenuous exercise. And it may cause sudden shifts in your blood pressure during or after …
Health topics
… Prolapse On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests … can be uncomfortable or painful. It can be treated if it bothers you. And it may get better with time. More than one … It's often linked to pregnancy and vaginal childbirth. During pregnancy and delivery, pelvic muscles can get …
Health topics
… in the upper right abdomen (liver). Shoulder, neck, and other upper body pain. (This pain also starts in the liver.) Fatigue. Nausea and vomiting. Seizure. HELLP syndrome can be dangerous … syndrome, you're considered high-risk for complications during any future pregnancies. Make sure that your doctor …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview During pregnancy, the cervix is a closed and sealed tunnel … (such as progesterone shots), so your doctor may consider other treatments for a short cervix, such as a cerclage , to … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …