6322 results found
Health features
… Beat the heat Featured topics Beat the heat Temperatures during the summer in British Columbia can sometimes exceed … illness can increase during the summer. This is because hot and humid weather can create conditions for bacteria … File #61b) Preventing children’s injuries from sports and other activities Quick tips: Staying active in hot weather …
Health topics
… is common for most women. Discharge may be more noticeable during the middle of the menstrual cycle ( ovulation ). Some … even find it necessary to wear a pad or panty liner because of the amount of discharge. Normal vaginal discharge: … burning, or redness. Varies with age, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and use of birth control pills. A change in your …
Health topics
… can help a person cope with chronic pain and with pain caused by a sickle cell crisis . Your doctor or a pain … doctor's preferences ahead of time. Explains your needs to other health professionals who care for you. Offers you some … actions prevent a person's body from going through sudden drug withdrawal symptoms. Pain …
Health topics
… floor. Move furniture and electrical cords out of the way. Use non-skid floor wax, and wipe up spills right away. Keep … to make it easier to turn lights on if you have to get up during the night. Keep a flashlight by your bed. Keep … your balance, and be independent. Ask your doctor or a physiotherapist what exercises are safe for you to do. Make sure …
Health topics
… and water are not available, use gel hand sanitizers or alcohol-based hand wipes containing 60% to 90% ethyl alcohol or isopropanol. Most supermarkets and drugstores carry these products. Carry one or both with you … hands Wash your hands after: Touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean, exposed parts of your …
HealthLinkBC files
… that affects the outer layer of the skin. The virus causes small, smooth bumps on the skin’s surface. These can … through sexual contact. If the virus is transmitted during sex, the bumps are usually found on the abdomen, … buttocks or thighs. It can spread from one person to another or from one area of an infected person’s body to …
HealthLinkBC files
… you can reduce the chance of passing this virus to others by doing the following: Talk to your health care … stay as healthy as possible if I am living with HBV? Avoid alcohol as it causes liver damage and can increase liver … the Heart https://towardtheheart.com for information about drug poisoning recognition, prevention and B.C.’s Take Home …
Health topics
… tests in the second trimester Last updated August 10, 2013 During your second trimester, you’ll see your doctor or … weeks): Tests for gestational diabetes, which can be caused by hormonal changes Most women’s blood sugar levels can … growth of your baby Some women develop depression during pregnancy while a small number will develop an anxiety or …
Health topics
… Restless Legs Syndrome: What Conditions Can Cause It? On this page: Overview Overview … legs syndrome can be a secondary problem caused by another condition. Researchers continue their efforts to … pregnant may have more noticeable and frequent symptoms during pregnancy. Kidney disease. Diabetes . Neurological …
Health topics
… is infection or inflammation of the vagina . It can cause itching and burning, a change in vaginal discharge, and sometimes pain during sex. What causes it? Vaginitis may be caused by bacteria, yeast, or other organisms. Bath products, douches, and spermicides …