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Health topics
… It's important to treat obstructive sleep apnea, because sleep apnea makes you more likely to have high blood … apnea that is caused by blockage of the upper airway. But other treatments work almost as well in most people. And the … more likely include: Taking certain medicines or drinking alcohol before bed. Sleeping on your back. Being obese, or …
Health topics
… to white flakes on the head, neck, and shoulders. What causes it? Dandruff is most often caused by a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis . It … will help get rid of all the cells you have loosened up during shampooing. Dry Skin and Itching …
Health topics
… or sedatives can affect your balance. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol can impair your balance and other senses. Ask your doctor whether calluses or corns on … wear when you walk. Use delivery services. Find out about drugstores and grocery stores near you that can take orders …
Health topics
… phase is the most challenging part of labour. Because of the rapid changes and intensity of labour at this … Baby moves down further into pelvis, putting pressure on mother’s bottom. Contractions may be strong, coming every two … between contractions. Look into her eyes and help her focus during her contractions. Resources & links: Labor and …
Health topics
… panic attacks. And you worry all the time about having another attack. A panic attack is a sudden feeling of very bad … They may be used alone or with an antidepressant. These drugs can help you feel better right away. They may also be … from medicine, such as depression or problems with drugs or alcohol. Compare your options Compare Compare Option 1 Take …
Health topics
… you where to find the results. Some tests take longer than others. You can ask when they expect to have the results, so … physical examination. You may have a test to: Find the cause of symptoms. Confirm a diagnosis. Screen for a disease. … he or she doesn't have it. For example, a false-positive pregnancy test result would appear to detect the substance …
Health topics
… nutrition to reduce the symptoms of stress. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. If you are feeling very … tense feeling in your stomach. Eating on the run can cause indigestion. Use mealtime to relax, enjoy the flavour of … If this is a problem for you, try to replace eating with other actions that relieve stress, such as taking a walk, …
Health topics
… is trying to quit smoking. The information also applies to other tobacco products, such as chew, snus, or snuff. You … person who is trying to quit, agree to smoke outside the house or apartment, or limit your smoking to one room. Better … think less about smoking and decrease nicotine cravings. Alcohol is often a trigger. If possible, keep the person …
Medical tests
… in the red blood cells. People who have diabetes or other conditions that increase their blood glucose levels … (sugar bound to hemoglobin) than normal. An A1c test can be used to diagnose prediabetes or diabetes. The A1c test … glucose only at that moment. Blood glucose levels change during the day for many reasons, including medicine, diet, …
Health topics
… nipple and the area around it. You will probably be asleep during surgery. You may be able to go home the same day. … your breast. Breast cancer screening Breast implants may cause problems during mammograms. Having implants may make it … many women, one breast may be larger or sit higher than the other breast. How Well It Works Breast enlargement surgery …