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6322 results found
Health features
… such as saliva, semen and vaginal fluid, can contain viruses. These may be passed on from an infected person to other people. If you have contact with a person’s blood or … you could be at risk of HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Other body fluids, such as sweat, tears, vomit or urine, may …
Health topics
… repellents. Mosquitoes, biting flies, and ticks can cause annoying bites and sometimes a serious disease. Mosquito … different kinds of insect repellents. Some work better than others. DEET provides the longest-lasting protection against … the past 40 years haven't shown that DEET causes cancer or other illnesses. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) …
Health topics
… stay with young children when they are in a bathtub. Do not use soap, or use only a mild soap. Soaps that are made for sensitive skin … child from scratching the rash and blisters, especially during sleep. Some antihistamines can be bought …
Health topics
… means how you are attracted romantically and sexually to other people. There are different kinds of sexual … a person who is attracted only or almost only to the "other" gender. "Binary" is the idea that there are only two … be flexible. There are a variety of terms that people may use to describe their gender identity. For example, people …
Health topics
… Overview Some people with diabetes use their insulin syringes and lancets more than once to … may stick yourself. Do not clean the needle or lancet with alcohol. Alcohol removes the silicone covering on the … The needle or lancet is bent or has touched something other than your skin. You notice redness or signs of …
Health topics
… labour apart Last updated August 12, 2013 It's easy to confuse pre labour with true labour. Here's a list of signs to … will be able to choose the ones that you find most helpful during the labour and birthing process. If you're still not … Resources & Links: Labour and delivery Contractions during pregnancy: What to expect … Telling pre-labour and true …
Medical tests
… is usually one of the first tests done to help find the cause of sperm-related infertility problems. Tests that may be … in less active sperm. You may be asked to avoid drinking alcohol for a few days before the test. Be sure to tell your … infection. If problems are found, more testing may be done. Other tests may include measuring hormones, such as …
Health topics
… active . Do you prefer being active by yourself or with others? Joining a group or a class can help keep you … the idea of contact sports. Do you prefer to compete with others, compete with yourself, or not compete at all? … off your brain and let your body do the work, try doing housework set to music, raking leaves, or going for a walk or …
Health topics
… Factors (Triggers) That May Cause a Flare-Up of Rosacea On this page: Overview Overview … are some things you can try that may reduce flare-ups. Alcohol, spicy foods, and hot drinks. Limit how much of … trigger that affects one person may not affect another in the same way. Current as of: March 22, 2023 …
Health topics
… cats. Indoor mould. Pollen. Your asthma can be triggered by other things too, such as: Colds, influenza (flu), and sinus … periods. A woman's symptoms may change just before or during her period. How to identify asthma triggers If you … flow (PEF), or "peak flow." A trigger may not always cause symptoms. But it can still narrow your bronchial tubes, …