6322 results found
Health topics
… may have hidden gluten: Milk products Ice cream and other frozen dairy products Cheese spreads Yogurt with fruit … and luncheon meats Imitation meat and seafood Energy bars Other products Breading and coating mixes, gravy and other … Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, which is a filler product used in many prepared or processed foods Communion wafers …
Health topics
… give you detailed information and training on doing your household tasks and other activities that can be more challenging when you have … to mark electrical outlets, oven dials, thermostats, and other items so that they are easier to find and use. Paint …
Health topics
… Liposuction removes fat from your body using suction. During the procedure, small, thin, blunt-tipped tubes … a large volume of fat is being removed. Local anesthesia is used in some cases. And you may or may not be given a … areas. Liposuction is sometimes used in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures, such as a "tummy tuck" …
Health topics
… side effects such as pain, shortness of breath, or nausea. Managing pain Managing pain is not easy. But it is … hospice palliative care team also may recommend treatments other than medicines. These may include physiotherapy, massage, or the use of heat or cold. Sometimes …
Health topics
… help you change how you eat, but you also can get help from others. Support comes in many forms. It can be positive … Support works. Research shows that getting support from spouses, family members, and friends is important in making … part. It may mean eating less of some foods and more of others. If what you eat is different from what your family …
Health topics
… Pap test or colposcopy that shows tissue that isn't normal. During LEEP, your doctor will put a tool called a speculum … a device with a fine wire loop into your vagina. The doctor uses the heated wire to cut out tissue. After the procedure, another doctor will look at the tissue under a microscope and …
Health topics
… Capsaicin On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Capsaicin … pain between the nerves in the spinal cord and other parts of the body. Topical use When you apply … Skin conditions such as psoriasis. Mouth sores due to chemotherapy or radiation. Follow the directions on the label. …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Several types of behavioural methods are used for treating urinary incontinence : bladder training, … biofeedback methods along with pelvic floor exercises. During biofeedback, bladder, rectal sphincter, and abdominal … Learning biofeedback requires practice in a lab or other setting with the guidance of a trained therapist. Home …
HealthLinkBC files
… impetigo? Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the skin caused by either Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria, group … This rash usually appears around the nose, mouth, and other parts of the face. It can also appear on any skin not … Children with impetigo will have little discomfort other than occasional itching. In rare cases, the bacteria …
Health topics
… on most, if not all days of the week. Don't smoke. Manage other health problems. Statins You and your doctor can work … had diabetes for more than 15 years. Your diabetes has caused problems with your eyes, kidneys, or nerves. Your risk … your cholesterol is 3.5 mmol/L or above or you have certain other risk factors. . Statins not as clearly recommended for …