6322 results found
Health topics
… to prevent getting or spreading HIV during sexual contact. Other forms of birth control do not protect against HIV. Using a needle or syringe that has previously been used by a person who is infected with HIV. Needles include those used for injecting drugs or steroids or those used for tattoos. You cannot get …
Medical tests
… Test On this page: Overview Overview During pregnancy, a uterine infection causes inflammation , which can trigger preterm labour. This …
Health topics
… while sitting . To stretch your calves while sitting down, use a towel. Place your leg out in front of you with your … Slowly lower your foot to the floor. Repeat, using the other leg. Knee bends . Hold onto the back of your chair. … for a few seconds. Slowly lower your leg. Repeat on the other side. Sit-to-stand. Sit in your chair, with the chair …
Health topics
… surgical tools through the incisions. The doctor is able to use the scope to see your organs and do the surgery. The … bags are odour-proof. They don't show under clothes. Other people won't know that you have a colostomy unless you … This can often be controlled with home treatment and drugs. After the colostomy, a plastic bag called a colostomy …
Health topics
… Blocked nasal passages. What problems can a broken nose cause? Possible complications of a broken nose include: Change … and medical history. An X-ray of the nose may be done. If other facial injuries or fractures are suspected, a CT scan … on the label. Do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or …
Health topics
… cholesterol is bad. HDL is called "good cholesterol," because it helps keep "bad" LDL cholesterol from building up in … one small change into a lifelong habit, start again with another small change. Below you'll find some tips for making … 15 minutes of activity in the morning before work, 10 more during your lunch hour, and 15 after work. Or break it into …
Health topics
… reason that many of us are not at a healthy weight is because, somewhere along the line, we stopped listening to our … like you want to eat (because of boredom, stress, or some other emotion), but you're not truly hungry. Use a hunger … choices, and keep eating past the "satisfied" point. On the other hand, let yourself feel some hunger between meals. …
Medical tests
… are measured directly in some tests and are calculated in others. No single test can check for all of the lung … monoxide (CO) into the blood. Two different methods are used for this test. Single-breath or breath-holding method: … wheezing. These tests are also called provocation studies. During the test, you inhale increasing amounts of a …
Health topics
… as if you have no control over your job duties is one cause of job stress. More responsibility. You can feel stress … to do your best. And some jobs may be more stressful than others. You might even notice work stress spilling into your … Stress Management: Managing Your Time Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health Anxiety Depression …
Health topics
… are many types of birthmarks, and some are more common than others. Salmon patches (also called stork bites, angel … in groups. Large moles may need to be closely watched because they can become cancerous later in life. Café-au-lait … away on their own and most darken, thicken, and form bumps during adulthood. Port-wine stains may become more obvious …