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Health topics
… Surgery Overview Laparoscopy is the most common procedure used to diagnose and remove mild to moderate endometriosis . … surgeon makes one or two more small incisions for inserting other surgical tools. If your doctor recommends a … signs of endometriosis. Surgery may improve your chances of pregnancy. But in some severe cases, a fertility specialist …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Pericardiocentesis is done to find the cause of fluid buildup around the heart and to relieve … the heart. It helps reduce friction between the heart and other structures in the chest when the heart beats. Some … may be done to find the cause of a pericardial effusion. During this test, a needle is inserted into the chest and …
Medical tests
… defects in a fetus . It's done to find birth defects caused by an abnormal number of chromosomes . It also can … and blood type of the fetus. This is a blood test for the mother. The test can be done as early as 10 weeks in the pregnancy. If this screening test is positive, it means …
Health topics
… Phototherapy for Eczema On this page: Treatment Overview What To … Risks Treatment Overview Phototherapy is the supervised use of ultraviolet (UV) light to treat skin conditions, … . Ultraviolet B (UVB) or ultraviolet A (UVA) may be used during therapy. The most common type of phototherapy to …
Health topics
… age 40. You may have no or few eggs. Depending on the cause, primary ovarian insufficiency may develop as early as … ovarian insufficiency may develop after a hysterectomy or other pelvic surgery or from radiation or chemotherapy … of primary ovarian insufficiency. You will also have a pregnancy test and blood tests. To check for possible …
Health topics
… Disease On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms When to … your legs. If you have PAD, you're likely to have plaque in other arteries in your body. This raises your risk of a … low in saturated fat and avoid trans fat. Limit sodium and alcohol. Limit drinks and foods with added sugar. Learn more …
Health topics
… Disc On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What … an MRI or a CT scan to confirm a herniated disc or rule out other health problems. How is a lumbar herniated disc … (such as Tylenol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs include ibuprofen (such as Advil) and …
HealthLinkBC files
… infection such as chickenpox or influenza. Reye syndrome causes swelling of the liver and brain, and can be fatal. How … swelling of the lining of the brain (meningitis), diabetes, drug overdose, poisoning, sudden infant death syndrome … reducing brain swelling, preventing damage to the liver and other organs and monitoring the heart. Most people recover …
Health topics
… disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that occurs during the same season each year. It is sometimes called … likely in children, teens, or older adults. People who have other mood disorders, such as depression. What causes it? Experts aren't sure what causes SAD. But they think …
Health topics
… ways to measure your body's responses to exercise and other lifestyle changes. You may want to keep track of the following measurements during your exercise sessions at cardiac rehab and at home. … give you a target heart rate goal to start with. You can use your target heart rate to know how hard you need to …