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Health topics
… with soap and water. Do not wet or soak the splinter because it will be harder to remove in one piece. Grasp the end … the splinter is embedded in the skin: Clean a needle with alcohol and make a small hole in the skin over the end of … the splinter is embedded in the skin: Clean a needle with alcohol and make a small hole in the skin over the end of …
Medical tests
… by a health professional. Clinical breast examinations are used along with mammograms to check women for breast cancer … . Clinical breast examinations are also used to check for other breast problems. A clinical breast examination may be … clothes above the waist. You will be given a gown to wear during the examination. First, your health professional will …
Health topics
… You might want to avoid times when you've just eaten or had alcohol or when it's hot or humid. Clear your lungs beforehand. Use your bronchodilator medicine before you have sex. This … of breath. Take your time, take it easy, and enjoy one another. Try a side-by-side position. It can be less tiring. …
Health topics
… when the baby was crying? What comfort measures were used? Was the baby being held when the crying began? … alone and happy or being held? Were bathing, changing, or other activities taking place? Feeding times. How much … long did the baby breastfeed? What position was the baby in during feeding? How was the baby burped? Did the baby spit …
Health topics
… is a treatment to improve the look of the skin. It uses a wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges … The face is the most common site for this treatment. But other areas of the skin can be treated this way too. … treatment around your mouth, you may get an antiviral drug called acyclovir to prevent infection. Tell your doctor …
Health topics
… Overview You may hear about other approaches to treat ASD, such as complementary or … behaviours. Is said not to need scientific research because it has no risks or side effects. Examples of unproven … may be more a result of ASD than a cause. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that this treatment can have …
Health topics
… losing weight, being active, limiting sodium, and limiting alcohol. Depending how high your blood pressure is and your … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means … losing weight, being active, limiting sodium, and limiting alcohol. Depending how high your blood pressure is and your …
Health topics
… stones are made of calcium compounds. Conditions that cause high calcium levels in the body, such as … animal protein, such as red meat. An increase in how much alcohol you drink. Gout. Inflammatory bowel disease. … animal protein, such as red meat. An increase in how much alcohol you drink. Gout. Inflammatory bowel disease. …
Health topics
… ulcerative colitis? Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the lining of the … overreacting to normal bacteria in the digestive tract. Or other kinds of bacteria and viruses may cause it. You are … that you don't use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen). These …
Health topics
… child. Some children begin teething at 3 to 4 months, while others do not start until age 12 months or later. A total of … to help relieve the pressure in the gums. He or she may refuse to eat and drink because of mouth soreness. Children sometimes drool more during this time. The drool may cause a rash on the chin, …