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6324 results found
Health topics
… Children need guidance, clear limits, and patient parents during this time of behavioural and emotional struggles. They also need interaction with other children and adults to help them learn self-control … Here are some tips that parents and caregivers can use to help children learn to control their emotions. …
Health topics
… Cancer can impact your family in many ways. Fear and other emotions can cause stress. Financial worries from lost work or paying for … are feeling calm. If possible, have your partner there during the talk, or ask a friend or relative to be with you. …
Health topics
… sex until several days after ovulation may help you prevent pregnancy. Keep in mind that your cycle can change, making it hard to know when you are ovulating. Some women use this information as a form of birth control. But it … in your body temperature is very slight, so you need to use a special thermometer. You can use a regular digital …
Medical tests
… Test Overview An ultrasound is a type of imaging test that uses sound waves. It takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your body. It can be used in different … areas such as the belly, the pelvis, or the arms and legs. During the test, a small, hand-held device called a …
Health topics
… August 5, 2013 Overview All babies cry - some more than others - and while it may be stressful, remember it’s … of age.  It's normal for babies to cry more frequently during these early months, sometimes even for hours a day. Why babies cry Babies usually cry because they're hungry, uncomfortable, sick, hurt or wanting to …
Health topics
… removed. Some reasons to keep your ovaries You want to use your eggs for a future pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about your options if you plan to have both ovaries removed and want to use your eggs for a possible pregnancy in the future. You …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Sedation is the use of medicine to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during a procedure. Sometimes it's used to help with pain. … may be used with an injection to numb the area or with other medicine to reduce pain. It's often used in procedures …
Health topics
… red blood cells are being destroyed by the Rh-sensitized mother's immune system. This treatment is meant to keep the … through the umbilical cord: footnote 1 More than 90% of fetuses that do not have hydrops survive. About 75% of fetuses … Branch DW, et al. (2008). Immunologic disorders in pregnancy. In RS Gibbs et al., eds., Danforth's Obstetrics …
Health topics
… you first get your cast A cast protects a broken bone or other injury. Most casts are made of fibreglass, but plaster casts are still sometimes used. After a cast is on, you can't remove it yourself. Your … in the injured limb. Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) . These can help reduce swelling and pain. Be …
Health topics
… This is called the epidural space. An epidural is often used during childbirth. But it may also be used during and after … may affect blood pressure, breathing, heartbeat, and other vital functions. You may also have itching, nausea, …