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Health topics
… a laparoscopy so the doctor can look at the pancreas and other organs in the area. This is done to see if the cancer … take out the part of the pancreas containing the tumour during the Whipple surgery. Part of the small intestine and … procedure can be done with laparoscopic surgery. This uses several small incisions instead of one large one. If …
Health topics
… Know how it works, what it does, and how it keeps you safe. Use certain electric devices with caution. Some electric … don't drive for a short time. This is to help keep you and others safe. There is a risk that you might get an ICD shock … stating that you have an ICD. You can buy this at most drugstores. Have a list of all the medicines you are taking …
Medical tests
… are called ventricles. A natural electrical system causes the heart muscle to contract. This pumps blood through … control the heartbeat. Check the health of the heart when other diseases or conditions are present. These include high … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should …
Health topics
… Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Radiation therapy uses high energy rays, such as X-rays, to destroy cancer … the body, it's called internal radiation, or brachytherapy. Other types of radiation include: Systemic radiation … a tumour, such as with bladder cancer. Or it may be given during surgery or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it …
Health topics
… foodborne illness? C. perfringens foodborne illness is caused by infection with the Clostridium perfringens ( C. … Do not use medicines, including antibiotics and other treatments, unless your doctor recommends them. To … and not enough of the important electrolytes that are lost during diarrhea. These kinds of drinks should not be used to …
Health topics
… . The treatment destroys thyroid tissue but does not harm other tissue in the body. While radiation can cause thyroid cancer , treatment of hyperthyroidism with … iodine faster than older adults. Drink plenty of fluids during this time to help your body get rid of the …
Health topics
… out of place. At first, it may slip out of the anus only during bowel movements. Over time, this may occur when you … adults. It sometimes occurs in young children. What causes it? The exact cause is not clear, but many things … Leaking of mucus or blood from the anus (wet anus). Other symptoms may include: A feeling of having full bowels …
Health topics
… get PTSD if you have lived through a traumatic event that caused you to fear for your life, see horrible things, and … PTSD. A traumatic event is a horrible and scary experience. During this type of event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You feel that you have no …
Health topics
… Chestfeeding is a term that is becoming more commonly used when discussing infant feeding. It’s often used by … for young children Helps prevent colds, ear infections, and other infections Helps your toddler develop healthy teeth … your toddler on your first day of work or childcare, or during a move, can add to the stress of these situations. …
Health topics
… Chikungunya (say "chick-un-GOON-ya") fever is an illness caused by a virus that is carried by mosquitoes. You're more … provider before using Aspirin (such as ASA or Entrophen) or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) until a diagnosis of dengue fever is ruled …