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Health topics
… growth of abnormal cells in one or both kidneys . Another name for kidney cancer is renal cancer. "Renal" means … carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. What causes it? Experts aren't sure what causes kidney cancer. But … kidney cancer. Many cases of early kidney cancer are found during imaging tests that were looking for other problems. A …
Medical tests
… A breast biopsy is usually done to check a lump found during a breast examination or to look at a suspicious area … using a vacuum device. To guide the biopsy, ultrasound or other imaging may be used. After samples are removed, a tiny marker clip is …
Health topics
… you need to take to keep yourself as healthy as possible during your hospital stay. Wash your hands. This is one of … prevent infection while you're in the hospital. Make sure others wash their hands. Health care workers already know … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… common in adults who experience a divorce or death of a spouse or child. High levels of anxiety Anxiety also is common during the grieving process. But anxiety can last longer … PTSD. Prolonged grief Prolonged grief may also be called by other names, such as complicated grief. Symptoms include: …
Health topics
… 12-hour shifts as an engineer at a computer company. The other days he catches up on household chores and yard work. Gift of motivation So for a … was a scrapbook of photos from camping trips they'd taken during their marriage. One showed Jerry and Laura atop a …
Health topics
… permanence. Around 9 to 12 months of age, babies observe others' behaviour. During this time, they also start a discovery phase. They … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… regularly and eating healthy foods is important. That's because food: Provides your body with the energy it needs to … and help you get the nutrition you need. But if you have other diet limitations, talk with your doctor or a … Then clear your lungs. This can help you breathe better during your meal. Eat while sitting up. This helps remove …
Medical tests
… flows out of the bladder. This test, also called a VCUG, uses contrast fluid and X-rays so the doctor can see how the … problems of the bladder and urethra. Follow up on other problems found during a different test such as a CT scan of the urinary …
Health topics
… Make it routine. Take your medicine when you do another daily task, such as brushing your teeth or making … about programs that may help with medicine costs. Some drug companies have programs that help people who can't … can help you avoid complications that could happen because of your health problem. Talk to your doctor first if: …
Health topics
… carry blood to certain organs, muscles, and bones. This causes mild to severe pain. The pain can last from hours to days. "Painful event" and "painful crisis" are other terms used to describe these episodes. Some people who … a crisis. Drink plenty of fluids, especially before, during, and after exercise or strenuous activity. Also drink …