6326 results found
Health topics
… Bursitis or a tendon injury (tendinopathy) in the elbow causes soreness or pain in the elbow region, particularly when … arm is in motion. Pressing on the affected area will also cause pain. The epicondyles are the bony bumps you can feel on … point and back of the elbow. To prevent and ease elbow pain during work, play, or daily activities: Strengthen your …
HealthLinkBC files
… trusted support network of at least 3 people to assist you during an emergency. Give them keys to your home and add … any health conditions or medications. Show them how to use specialized medical mobility equipment, such as lifts, … such as extra eyeglasses, prescription medications or other supplies required for medical conditions Personal …
Health topics
… / training heart rate) - The rate your heart should beat during exercise in order to get the most improvement in aerobic capacity (the amount of oxygen your body uses). This is usually expressed as a range. Your target … heart rate is. To calculate your maximum heart rate, use the following equation: HRmax = 208 – (0.7 x your age …
Health topics
… well to support your health after a cancer diagnosis and during treatment: Eating guidelines for after a cancer diagnosis Eating well during cancer treatment Nutrition resources, common … For Health: Persons with cancer Exercises after mastectomy Useful resources BC Cancer Find virtual and in-person …
Health topics
… nicotine for either 16 or 24 hours. The 24-hour patch may cause sleep problems, such as trouble sleeping or unusually … few weeks. Smallest patches—which have the least nicotine—during the last few weeks. With other brands, you use the same size of patch every week and …
Health topics
… Overview Here are some examples of when IOLs may be used. To replace a lens after cataract surgery Surgery for … that may work best for you. An IOL is placed inside the eye during surgery. Corrective glasses may be needed after … IOL that gives better distance vision is implanted in the other eye. Many people who try monovision can adjust to it. …
Health topics
… into the nose. It lets the doctor see inside the sinuses. Surgical tools are inserted alongside the endoscope. … This allows the doctor to remove small amounts of bone or other material blocking the sinus openings. The doctor can … What To Expect Minor discomfort and bleeding are common during the first 2 weeks after surgery. You may need weekly …
Health topics
… your foot and ankle to see if the ligaments work and what causes pain. How is an ankle sprain treated? At first, you may … on the label. It may help to wear hiking boots or other high-top, lace-up shoes for support. But be careful. … broken a bone. Learn more Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Sprained Ankle: Using a Compression Wrap …
Health features
… or heart attack symptoms Symptoms of sepsis Pain in early pregnancy Babies younger than 3 months of age, with a fever … an aggressive approach to investigate the underlying cause. To learn more about when to take your child to the …
Health topics
… Basics What is malaria? Malaria is a disease that causes a fever, chills, and muscle pain. You can get it from a … they will use a blood smear to check for the disease. During this test, a sample of blood is placed on a glass … the results are usually confirmed with a blood smear. Other blood tests may also be done. How is malaria treated? …