6326 results found
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview What causes abdominal gas in babies? Some people have problems … as a means to remedy suspected food digestion problems. Causes of gas include: Swallowing air when sucking. A baby may swallow excess air during bottle-feeding when drinking too rapidly or when …
Health topics
… development of foot and toe problems such as bunions , calluses and corns , and hammer, claw, and mallet toes . Shoes … according to how the larger foot feels in the shoe. Stand during the fitting process to get an accurate sense of the … sole that allows your toes to bend as you walk. For other people, a firm sole that helps the joints stay …
Health topics
… But if it stays up, your child has high blood pressure. Another name for high blood pressure is hypertension. What is … when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood. What causes it? Doctors can't always say what causes high blood … age 3 and older often have their blood pressure checked during routine doctor visits. If your child's blood pressure …
Health topics
… that you have surgery even if you don't have symptoms, because symptoms typically only occur after the condition has … longer before having a valve replacement. But if you have other compounding factors, such as high blood pressure and … outcomes, there is a risk of death and serious problems during surgery. About 5% or less of people having valve …
Health topics
… Works Risks Surgery Overview Endoscopic surgery uses a thin tube with a camera attached (endoscope). The … one small tube contains both the camera and a cutting tool. During endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery, the … typing or assembly-line work. If the surgery was on the other hand and you don't do repeated actions at work, you …
Health topics
… You can try non-medical options that can help with pain during childbirth. Some examples include breathing in a … from pain. Childbirth classes can teach you how to do focused breathing. Distraction. You can walk, play cards, … your doctor or midwife about which techniques you plan to use. Depending on your health and how your labour goes, some …
Health topics
… instead. Key points to remember Bronchitis is usually caused by a virus and often follows a cold or flu. Antibiotics … try to relieve symptoms of acute bronchitis if you have no other health problems. Most cases of acute bronchitis go … is almost always caused by a virus . It's more common during the winter months and often develops after an upper …
Health topics
… about 30 months of age, but some will be ready earlier and others later. Learn more about toilet training your toddler … optimal and healthy development. Parents and caregivers can use the Four M's of Screen Time as guidance to support the … screen time Model healthy screen use by turning off devices during family time, both at and away from home Useful …
Health topics
… Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Peritoneal dialysis uses a membrane inside your body ( peritoneal membrane ) as … can do it by yourself. You don't have to rely on help from others. You can do it at the times you choose as long as you … (peritoneum). What To Expect You may have mild back pain during peritoneal dialysis. Or you may feel like your …
Health topics
… doctor for treatment. If treatment may be needed, do not use an antiseptic until after a doctor has examined the … open. Deep wounds that go down to the fat, muscle, bone, or other deep structures. Deep wounds over a joint, especially … be needed for: Wounds with smooth edges that stay together during normal movement of the affected body part. Shallow …