6326 results found
Health topics
… Your options Have bunion surgery. Don't have surgery. Try other treatment for bunions. Key points to remember Surgery … Shoes may rub on the bunion, causing pain, blisters, calluses , or sores. You could also get skin and bone infections … that comes back. A shorter big toe, if bone was removed during surgery. Numbness, tingling, or burning in your toe …
Medical tests
… through your chest to make detailed pictures. A low-dose CT uses much less radiation than a regular-dose CT scan. A … clothing, such as a bra. You will be given a gown to use during the test. During the test, you will lie on a table … you may get treatment—including surgery, radiation , or chemotherapy —that you don't need. Even though the dose of …
Health topics
… It grows slowly and usually doesn't spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. But if this cancer isn't treated, … problems. Basal Cell Skin Cancer: Should I Have Surgery or Use Medicated Cream? Actionsets are designed to help people … ultraviolet (UV) rays. For example, stay out of the sun during midday hours, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, and …
Health topics
… skin cancer is a common type of skin cancer. It's often caused by too much sun. This cancer grows slowly. When found … surgery. Radiation may be done if surgery isn't an option. Other treatments include cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy , … ultraviolet (UV) rays. For example, stay out of the sun during midday hours, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, and …
Health topics
… Risks Surgery Overview Laser trabeculoplasty uses a very focused beam of light to treat the drainage … right away. Some people feel some pressure in the eye during the surgery. What To Expect You may need to be … people with high intraocular pressure before laser surgery. Other complications of laser surgery may include: A brief …
HealthLinkBC files
… the heat and humidity are much higher than we would expect during a normal summer day. Extreme heat can be harmful to … of their illnesses worse (e.g., dehydration due to nausea and vomiting). Symptoms of severe heat-related illness … of mild to moderate heat-related illness: Headache Nausea Weakness Irritability Light-headed or dizziness …
Healthy eating
… can promote and model healthy eating behaviours at school, during after school activities and at home. Everyone can … ways your school may restrict the influences of marketing Use the Checklist when preparing freshly made food to be … beverages are sold such as sporting events, bake sales and other school fundraising events Engage a group of students …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Cranial ultrasound uses reflected sound waves to make pictures of the brain and … may be done on an adult to help find a brain mass. Because the test can't be done after the skull bones have fused, it is only done after the skull has been opened during brain surgery. Why It Is Done In babies, cranial …
HealthLinkBC files
… development, behaviour, size and hearing of developing fetuses, infants and young children. The health impact depends … of Health works with the regional health authorities, other ministries and the federal government to develop best … the water quality is from your tap. Lead levels can change during the day, and a sample taken first thing in the …
Health topics
… the small bowel is called a enterovaginal fistula. What causes it? A vaginal fistula starts with some kind of tissue … use a speculum to look at the vaginal walls. You may have other tests, such as: The use of dye in the vagina (and … inflammatory bowel disease, your doctor will not do surgery during a symptom flare. If you have a large rectovaginal …