6326 results found
Health topics
… of the body. Treatments can work well for some people. For others, treatment may allow them to live longer than without treatment. What causes it? The cause of NHL is not known. The abnormal cell … Sleep Problems Cancer Support: Managing Stress Eating Well During Cancer Treatment Hair Loss From Cancer Treatment …
HealthLinkBC files
… seizure, also known as a fever seizure, is a seizure caused by a fever. They can occur when your child has a fever of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or higher. During a febrile seizure, a child may have shaking or … is more likely to have a febrile seizure if a parent, brother or sister has had one. About 1 in 3 children who have …
Health topics
… blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs during sleep. While you are sleeping, you can help your … is also good exercise for improving blood flow in the legs. Use compression stockings. Specially fitted compression … back. Compression Stockings: How to Use Them Venous Skin Ulcer Current as of: March 22, …
Medical tests
… thyroid gland makes hormones that regulate the way the body uses energy. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland … are needed for normal development of the brain, especially during the first 3 years of life. Intellectual disability … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Medical tests
… are standing up. If the release of fluid is not detected during the bladder stress test or Bonney test, it may be … physical examination, and urinalysis do not find a cause for the incontinence. Results Stress incontinence is … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… A urinary catheter is a flexible plastic tube that's used to drain urine from the bladder when a person can't … wash your hands before and after you're done. Here are some other things to remember when caring for someone's catheter: … of warm water (sitz bath). If the urge to urinate comes during the sitz bath, it may be easier to urinate while …
Health topics
… you have pain. Or it may be done if you have foot sores caused by circulation problems. Your doctor will use something … your blood vessel. Often the graft is a vein taken from another place in your leg. But sometimes it is a man-made … tibial artery in your lower leg or foot. You will be asleep during the surgery. Or you will get medicine to numb your …
Health topics
… Information Overview A splint protects a broken bone or other injury. If you have a removable splint, follow your … on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down during the next 3 days. Try to keep it above the level of … removable, ask your doctor if you can take it off when you use ice. If you have an adjustable splint that feels too …
Medical tests
… follicle-stimulating hormone levels rise and fall together during the monthly cycle. LH also stimulates the production … you can't get pregnant (infertility). LH testing is often used to help evaluate problems with sperm count. Help to … also look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may …
Health topics
… What are shin splints? Shin splints are a condition that causes pain and sometimes swelling in the front part of the … get shin splints from repeated pounding on hard surfaces during activities such as running, basketball, or tennis. … and examining you. The doctor may do an X-ray to rule out other conditions, such as a stress fracture . How are shin …