6326 results found
Health topics
… Children lose and replace about four baby teeth a year during this time. In North America, puberty in girls is … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… It's sometimes called diastolic heart failure. This is because your left ventricle is not able to fill properly with blood during the diastolic (filling) phase. So the amount of blood … blood inside it to pump out. footnote 1 , footnote 2 What causes it? There are many things that can lead to heart …
Health topics
… A warm-up can be any low intensity aerobic activity that uses your body's large muscle groups. Try walking for 5 to 10 minutes then do some light stretches for another 5 to 10 minutes. These stretches can include arm … circles, and bending and straightening your arms and legs. During your warm-up, gradually increase your speed so your …
Health topics
… and congestive heart failure are some of the leading causes of mortality and hospitalization in Canada. These … Reduced systemic inflammation Reduction in all-cause mortality and potential future cardiac events Improved … or diastolic pressures reach 200 or 115 mm/Hg respectively. During resistance training, working muscles to exhaustion …
Health topics
… Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview During fundoplication surgery, the upper curve of the … through the belly or the chest. The chest approach is often used if a person is overweight or has a short esophagus. … come back, need to take medicine for symptoms, or need another operation. footnote 1 Surgery can cause new and …
Health topics
… the small intestine so that you absorb fewer calories. Because of the risks, this surgery is for people who are more … severely obese and who haven't been able to lose weight any other way. After surgery, you will feel full more quickly … (open or laparoscopic), you'll have to watch your activity during recovery. If you had open surgery, avoid heavy …
Medical tests
… , too much earwax , or an object like a bean or a bead. During an ear examination, a tool called an otoscope is used to look at the outer ear canal and eardrum. An otoscope … process to screen newborns for hearing loss. To find the cause of symptoms such as earache, a feeling of pressure or …
Health topics
… urethra or the cervix. If you treat chlamydia, it won't cause problems. But untreated, it can spread and lead to … causes chlamydia. It can spread from one partner to another through different types of sexual contact. This … you're pregnant and infected, you can pass it to your baby during delivery. What are the symptoms? Many people don't …
Health topics
… Overview Insemination procedures can be used to treat infertility. They use a thin, flexible tube (catheter) to place sperm in the … This chooses the most active and healthy sperm. Are done during the most fertile part of the menstrual cycle …
Health topics
… Is Done On this page: Overview Overview During this examination for sexually transmitted infections … also check your prostate for swelling and tenderness. May use a small scope to look at the walls of your rectum for … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …