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Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Some other conditions can cause symptoms that look like depression. Before your child or … with depression, a doctor may need to rule out these other conditions. They include: Bipolar disorder . This …
Health topics
… St. John's Wort On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview St. John's … to help with anxiety, depression, menopausal symptoms, or other conditions, such as seasonal affective disorder. There … science that taking St. John's wort helps with these or other conditions. Risks St. John's wort may cause side …
Health topics
… (rehab) begins. At first, the focus of rehab is to prevent other problems related to your SCI. And it helps you relearn … was injured. Rehab can include learning how to: Prevent other problems related to your spinal cord injury. You'll … to activities that you enjoyed before the SCI. You'll use the skills you are learning in other areas (such as …
Health topics
… be a sign of a problem. The symptoms of DMDD are similar to other disorders, like oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). When a child has DMDD, they may also have other disorders, (such as depression or ADHD). Not all … times each week. Are more intense than expected for the cause. Don't match the child's age or development. An …
Health topics
… and symbolic concepts. Their thinking tends to be focused on the present. They are just starting to be able to … with their own desires and needs and can be insensitive to others. Because they are so self-centred, they seem to believe other people are watching them. As a result, some teens may …
Health topics
… has a unique way of feeling, thinking, and interacting with others. Some children are shy, while others are outgoing. Some are active, while others are calm. … Be careful not to dismiss your child's feelings because they don't match your expectations. For example, if you …
Health topics
… the following questionnaire to help men determine how bothersome their urinary symptoms are and to check how … at the end of the questionnaire. Symptom score point scale Use the following point scale to answer the questions. 0 … Over the past month, have you had to get up to urinate during the night? Give a score to the number of times. 0 …
Health topics
… of your slip or trip with a healthcare provider can provide useful information for prevention. There is a British … ageism This video talks about normal changes to the body during aging and how they can increase the risk of falling. … of falling, this video covers how to support yourself and others to increase activity and independence while aging. …
Health topics
… or slightly in toward the centre of your body. Bend your other (front) leg at the knee, and press the wall with both … with the toes of one foot (keep your heel on the floor and use your other foot to anchor the towel). Curl your toes to pull the …
Health topics
… to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) . The surgeon uses an instrument inserted into the urethra that generates … men who have only slightly enlarged prostates and who are bothered a lot by their symptoms. TUIP may be chosen instead … out of 100 men. footnote 1 The need for a blood transfusion during surgery is rare. For about 10 men out of 100, a …