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Health features
… of all ages who are directly or indirectly affected by alcohol and other drug use. For more information call the … if you are taking or planning on taking drugs, or know someone who takes drugs. Be drug smart: Make a plan and make … may lose consciousness. With slowed breathing, less oxygen gets into your blood. This can lead to brain damage, cardiac …
Health topics
… blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and manage other health problems. Some people have surgery or a procedure to widen … pressure, and high cholesterol. Smoking. Drinking too much alcohol. Your risk of harm from alcohol is low if you have 2 … are safe for you. Eat heart-healthy foods. These include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, lean meat, fish, and whole …
Health topics
… together. Use condoms in the meantime. Don't drink a lot of alcohol or use illegal drugs before sex. You might let down … to new medicines if the ones you are taking aren't helping. Testing for drug resistance HIV often changes or … strong. A heart-healthy diet can help prevent some of the problems, such as high cholesterol, that can be caused by …
Health topics
… Have Radiation or Surgery for Localized Prostate Cancer? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare Options 3 Your Feelings 4 Your … have side effects, such as bladder, bowel, and erection problems. Radiation therapy is more likely to cause bowel … the facts 1. 1, Is surgery always the better treatment for someone who has localized prostate cancer? Yes Sorry, that's …
Health topics
… certain medicines, or other reasons. Most people who get shingles will get better and won't get it again. But … pain. Treatment may shorten the illness and prevent other problems caused by shingles. See your doctor right away if … This includes children. You can't catch shingles from someone who has shingles. But if you haven't had chickenpox …
Health topics
… of stress for moms-to-be. The people around you can forget that these sudden changes may leave you feeling sad, … pregnancy are more likely to use substances - including alcohol and tobacco - to cope with these feelings. If you … steps you can take to find relief and feel better: Talk to someone about how you're feeling . Staying in close …
HealthLinkBC files
… TB spreads from person to person through the air when someone who is sick with TB in the lungs coughs, sneezes, … collection for tuberculosis (TB) testing . Where can I get a TB skin test? Depending on your reason for getting a … your local health unit’s contact information. What is the treatment? You can treat both TB infection and TB disease. …
Health topics
… kidneys. It can also increase your risk for other health problems (complications). What causes it? When your blood … vision, or lose weight without trying. You're not likely to get symptoms of low blood sugar unless you take insulin or … like running or playing team sports. If you drink alcohol, try to drink less. Your risk of harm from alcohol
Health topics
… move. It can include tremors, slow movement, stiffness, and problems with balance. Parkinson's disease gets worse over … help you with this. Improving your mood and memory Talk to someone about depression. If you are feeling sad or … talk to your doctor. There are medicines that can help. Helping your non-movement symptoms Be open about problems
Health topics
… it can be life-threatening or cause serious long-term problems. Often, environmental and physical conditions can … or loose-fitting clothing for the environment. Drinking alcohol also increases your risk of dehydration. Many … No Lost consciousness If you are answering for someone else: Is the person unconscious now? (If you are …