6213 results found
Health topics
… Overview In older adults, hip fractures are usually caused by a fall. Even a slight fall can sometimes cause a … the rate of bone thinning after it starts. Drinking alcohol. Don't drink more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day. Drinking more than this puts you at …
Healthy eating
… of arthritis. It occurs when high levels of uric acid cause crystals to form in your joints and soft tissues, … desserts like pastries, donuts, cake, and cookies. Limit alcohol. Even one or two drinks can increase your risk of a … of 12% wine, or 43 mL (1.5 oz.) shot of 40% spirits. All alcohol, and especially beer, can increase your risk of gout …
Health topics
… a chemical has been swallowed that may be a poison or may cause burning in the throat and esophagus , call your local … phenol does not mix with water, so use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol first to flush the chemical off the skin and then flush with water. If alcohol is not available, flush with a large amount of …
Health topics
… Basics What is hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a disease caused by a virus that infects the liver . In time, it can … people take an active role in managing a health condition. Alcohol Problems: How to Stop Drinking How It Spreads … dietitian to discuss a healthy eating plan. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Your liver breaks down drugs and alcohol. …
Health topics
… need an insulin syringe , your bottle of insulin, and an alcohol wipe or a cotton ball dipped in alcohol. If you are using an insulin pen, you will need a … swab. Check the insulin bottle or cartridge. When you use an insulin bottle for the first time, write the date on …
Health topics
… fish, and fortified milk. Get some sunshine. Your body uses sunshine to make its own vitamin D. Talk to your doctor … and lifting weights can make your bones stronger. Limit alcohol. Osteoporosis Canada recommends drinking no more than an average of two alcoholic drinks daily. Don't smoke. Smoking can make bones …
Health topics
… include toilet cleaners, battery acid, bleach, chemicals used in industry for crystal etching, and chemicals that are … Carbolic acid or phenol does not mix with water, so use alcohol first to flush the chemical off the skin and then flush with water. If alcohol is not available, flush with a large amount of …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Violence causes more injury and death in children, teenagers, and young … Damaging or vandalizing another person's property. Using alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Having risk-taking behaviour, … weeks or months: Aggressive or violent behaviour Drug or alcohol use Spending more time listening to music about …
Health topics
… There are things you can do to manage sleep problems caused by cancer or cancer treatment. For example, it may help … have a relaxing bedtime routine and to avoid caffeine and alcohol in the hours before bed. If your doctor gave you … any for at least 6 hours before bedtime. Avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol can cause you to wake up …
Health topics
… reduces your risk of catching or spreading bacteria that cause a foodborne illness. Be especially careful to wash … soap and water are not available. Use a hand sanitizer or alcohol-based hand wipe that contains at least 60% ethyl alcohol or isopropanol. Carry one or both with you when you …