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6213 results found
Health topics
… saline solution, syringes, needleless injection cannulas, alcohol swabs, and a disposal box. What you need will vary … stopper of the heparin or saline solution bottle with an alcohol swab for 15 to 30 seconds. Remove the cover from the … if you need to flush more than one lumen. Flushing the line Use an alcohol swab to rub the cap of the line you want to …
Health topics
… Most people will have sleep problems now and then because of temporary stress, worry, or an irregular schedule. … any for at least 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. Don't drink alcohol late in the evening. You may fall asleep with no problems, but drinking alcohol before bed can wake you up later in the night. …
Health topics
… nutrition to reduce the symptoms of stress. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. If you are feeling very stressed, you might be turning to alcohol for relief more often than you realize. It may help … tense feeling in your stomach. Eating on the run can cause indigestion. Use mealtime to relax, enjoy the flavour of …
HealthLinkBC files
… palm oils. To eat more healthy fats and less saturated fat: Use olive, soybean and canola oils instead of butter, lard … smoking Get enough sleep According to Canada's Guidance on Alcohol and Health, no amount or kind of alcohol is good for your health. Alcohol increases the risk …
Health topics
… very low compared to normal, known as osteoporosis. What causes it? Bones naturally become thinner as people grow older … activity, smoking, and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol also increase the risk for low bone density and, … exercise, quitting smoking and avoiding excessive use of alcohol will also reduce your risk of bone loss. There are …
Health topics
… refrigerator to chill. Don't freeze the ring or teether because they can become too hard and may harm your baby's gums. … been linked with Reye syndrome . Do not give your baby any alcohol. Check medicine labels carefully. Avoid buying those that list alcohol as one of the first few ingredients. Alcoholic …
Health topics
… Infection? Feeling Depressed Stress Relief and Relaxation Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Interactive Tool: How Much Is Smoking … Acne ADHD Myths and Facts ADHD: Social Skills Training Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health Anabolic Steroids Anger, …
Health topics
… Unprotected intercourse without male or female condom use. Unprotected mouth-to-genital contact. Starting sexual … access to treatment or be able to afford treatment. May use alcohol and drugs and have sex. Drugs and alcohol impair judgment and make unsafe sex more likely. For …
Health topics
… to a pain clinic. Treatment for pain includes avoiding alcohol, eating a low-fat diet, using pain medicine, and in … retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) can be used to place small supports (stents) in a narrow pancreatic duct. Celiac plexus nerve block. An injection of alcohol or corticosteroids into this bundle of abdominal …
Health topics
… for a long time, part of this lining may wear away. This causes sores called ulcers . What causes it? Many things can … can cause ulcers. Eating certain foods or drinking too much alcohol. Stress from a severe injury, serious illness, or … may include changes to your diet, such as limiting how much alcohol you drink. Or you may need to avoid foods and drinks …