6211 results found
Health topics
… activities for times when you have the most energy. Use labour-saving devices. This may mean using a bedside … Be sure to drink enough fluids. Limit caffeine and alcohol. They can make you feel more tired. And don't smoke. … Be sure to drink enough fluids. Limit caffeine and alcohol. They can make you feel more tired. And don't smoke. …
Health topics
… relaxation techniques. Interpersonal counselling . It focuses on your relationships and the personal changes that … get outside as much as you can. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. If you don't feel hungry, eat small … get outside as much as you can. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. If you don't feel hungry, eat small …
Health topics
… sleepy in the daytime now and then, sleep debt can be the cause of serious problems like car crashes and work-related … cold medicines, steroids, and non-prescription diet aids. Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and illegal drugs can also … cold medicines, steroids, and non-prescription diet aids. Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and illegal drugs can also …
Health topics
… differently. Your heart rate will not increase like it used to. And you will have a higher resting heart rate. This … demonstrate that they have quit smoking and/or overusing alcohol for a period of time (such as 4 to 6 months) before … demonstrate that they have quit smoking and/or overusing alcohol for a period of time (such as 4 to 6 months) before …
Medical tests
… about a sudden death that appears to be from natural causes. If there are concerns about genetic problems that … of a liver test may show cirrhosis from the overuse of alcohol. Results The results of some tests from the autopsy … of a liver test may show cirrhosis from the overuse of alcohol. Results The results of some tests from the autopsy …
Health topics
… is a serious condition that weakens your heart muscle and causes it to stretch, or dilate. When your heart muscle is … drugs, or an immune system problem. Drinking too much alcohol, using certain illegal drugs such as cocaine, or … drugs, or an immune system problem. Drinking too much alcohol, using certain illegal drugs such as cocaine, or …
Health topics
… can be painful and can make it hard to swallow. What causes it? Gastroesophageal reflux disease , or GERD, is the … your symptoms worse. These may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, pepper, spicy foods, high-fat foods, or drinks with … your symptoms worse. These may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, pepper, spicy foods, high-fat foods, or drinks with …
Health topics
… occur just as you are falling asleep or waking up. What causes them? The cause of muscle cramps isn't always known. … of water and other fluids. Limit or avoid drinks with alcohol. Make sure you are eating healthy foods (especially … of water and other fluids. Limit or avoid drinks with alcohol. Make sure you are eating healthy foods (especially …
Health topics
… cases, it's not a serious problem. Diaper rash is usually caused by the skin staying wet, the diaper rubbing the skin, … lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel. Try Home … soap if soap is needed. Don't use "baby wipes" that have alcohol or propylene glycol to clean the skin if the person …
Health topics
… ADHD was called attention deficit disorder (ADD). What causes it? The exact cause of ADHD is not clear, but it tends … and other tools to keep you organized. Limit use of alcohol, and do not use illegal drugs. People with ADHD tend … groups, and sometimes medicines can help you stay free of alcohol or drugs. Get at least 2½ hours of physical activity …