6209 results found
Health topics
… cotton socks on his or her hands to prevent scratching. Or use light bandages over open blisters. Wash your child's … Distract your child when you find him or her scratching. Use loose-fitting cotton clothing. Change clothes and bedsheets daily. Use a household cleaner such as Lysol or Pine-Sol to wash …
Health topics
… disease or another dementia are sometimes easily confused and may forget where they are, what day it is, and … common facts. The following tips will help avoid confusion. Use familiar objects, such as a favourite chair or … help the person recognize where he or she is. Label often-used rooms, such as the bathroom, and objects. Provide …
Health topics
… or a tendon injury (tendinopathy) in the shoulder can cause pain on the outside or front of the upper arm. Common … prolonged or repeated overhead reaching. But continue to use your shoulder. During specific sports activities: Use proper throwing techniques. Use a different swim stroke, …
Health topics
… Information Overview Benzoyl peroxide is a medicine you use to treat acne . It comes in different strengths in … may get red and peel. It's not a quick fix. You may need to use the product for as long as 4 to 6 weeks before your acne … or a burning feeling. Redness. Swelling. Who should not use this product? Talk to a doctor before allowing a child …
Health topics
… activity, you can do a number of things to help yourself. Use the largest joints or strongest muscles to do things. When you lift a heavy object off the floor, use your hip and knee muscles, not your back. When you carry a bag of groceries, use the palm of your hand or your forearm instead of …
Health topics
… is best to do your saltwater (saline) nasal wash before you use your other nasal medicines. The wash will help your sinuses absorb the medicine. Saltwater washes (saline lavage or … They can also help the tiny hairs that line the sinuses work better to keep the sinuses healthy. This can help …
Health topics
… posture during daily activities may help prevent headaches. Use good body mechanics all the time, not just when you have … curve in your lower back—not too curved and not too flat. Use good sitting posture for computer work . Adjust your … breaks once an hour to stretch your neck and back muscles. Use a headset or speaker if you use the phone a lot. Don't …
Health features
… to make them healthier, here are some ideas to get started: Use herbs and spices to add extra flavour instead of salt … beans, chickpeas, lentils, and vegetables before using. Or use no sodium or lower sodium versions Make baked goods such … flaxseed, ground nuts or nut flour to your baked goods Use milk, low-fat evaporated milk or low-fat plain yogurt in …
Health topics
… Biofeedback On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview … or reduce muscle tension). With practice, you can learn to use these techniques without the help of the feedback … feedback units and devices that you can wear. Why It Is Used Biofeedback may be used for many things, such as …
Health topics
… SAM-e On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview SAM-e is … SAM-e is available as a dietary supplement. Why It Is Used Some people take SAM-e supplements to improve symptoms … health products, keep in mind the following. They may cause side effects or trigger allergic reactions. They can …