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6209 results found
Health topics
… wears down, the bones rub against each other. This causes damage and pain. What causes it? When you have arthritis, the cartilage that … away. When it breaks down, the bones rub together and cause damage and pain. Experts don't know why this breakdown …
Medical tests
… are two types of bronchoscopy. Flexible bronchoscopy. It uses a long, thin, lighted tube to look at your airway. The flexible bronchoscope is used more often than the rigid bronchoscope. That's because it usually does not require general anesthesia , is more …
Health topics
… Surgery can improve, but may not completely restore, the use of your hands. Dupuytren's disease sometimes comes back … treatments for Dupuytren's. Needle aponeurotomy uses a needle to separate the tight cords in the palm. … is severe—for example, waiting until you are unable to use your hands to do daily activities—could make the surgery …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview What To Expect After Surgery Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About Surgery … In open surgery to remove kidney stones, the surgeon uses an incision in the person's abdomen or side to reach … your normal activities within 4 to 6 weeks. Why It Is Used Open surgery is rarely needed to remove kidney stones. …
Health topics
… your urethra and bladder into your ureter. The doctor may use a wire with a tiny basket on the end to take out a kidney stone. Or the doctor may use a laser to break up a stone. If this is done, the pieces … will help prevent an infection. Why It Is Done Urologists use ureteroscopy to remove stones that are stuck in the …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Motivational therapy for bedwetting uses praise, encouragement, and rewards to help a child gain … If you think it may make your child feel worse, then do not use a reward system. You can reward your child for reaching … For example, you could reward your child when he or she: Uses the toilet before going to bed. Helps to change wet …
Health topics
… organs, sperm, or eggs (ova). Stop all sexual activity or use latex condoms. Do this until your doctor tells you that … These include razors, toothbrushes, towels, and nail files. Use lotions or ointments to prevent chapped or broken skin. … them in sealed plastic bags before you throw them away. Use a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water to clean …
Health topics
… caesarean (VBAC) . But others are okay with the careful use of certain medicines to start labour. For a woman who … during labour. This is called uterine rupture. Medicines used to induce labour may increase the risk of uterine … own, certain medicines, such as oxytocin, may be carefully used to help start labour. Oxytocin may also be used to get …
Health topics
… or a hemoglobin A1c test. The A1c test is one of the tests used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes. If you have … been managed over the past 2 to 3 months. Your doctor can use this information to adjust your treatment, if needed. … have diabetes. footnote 1 The A1c test result also can be used to find your estimated average glucose, or eAG. Your …
Health topics
… getting pregnant. The medicine letrozole is commonly used to stimulate ovulation. But medicine doesn't work for some women who have PCOS. This is because many body systems are involved in PCOS ovulation … ovulation medicine is not needed (or works better if it is used). Before considering medicine to stimulate ovulation, …