6211 results found
Health topics
… to do is simply to stay indoors. If the air is unsafe because of hazardous chemicals, radiation, or a spray (aerosol) … drinking water. If local authorities advise you to do so, use duct tape to secure plastic sheeting around door and … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… a temperature measurement, be sure to say what method you used to take it. For more information about how to take a … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… this age, most toddlers recognize about 200 words and may use them to make two- or three-word sentences like, “More … to be understood by others outside the family. Start to use plurals. Use the past tense. Copy or request new words. Play and …
Health topics
… or herself about recent events and make believe characters Uses social words: "please" "thank you" "hello" Names most … body parts Between 30 and 36 months your toddler may also: Use and understand direction and position words, such as … up silly rhymes Invent songs Read to your toddler often Useful resources Speech and language milestones, ages 1 to 3 …
Medical tests
… a triple renal study). Different radioactive tracers are used depending on what kind of scan is being done. Areas of … who are allergic to the special dye ( contrast material ) used during the IVP. Why It Is Done A kidney scan is done … Abnormal flow may mean narrowed renal arteries that can cause a type of high blood pressure called renovascular …
HealthLinkBC files
… has teeth, they are at risk for tooth decay. Many things cause tooth decay, including the bacteria that is normally … decay can spread deeper into the tooth. The decay can cause pain and infection, and can even damage the underlying … Frequent Eating(especially sticky or sugary foods) Constant use of a baby bottle or sippy cup filled with milk, juice or …
Health topics
… in the hospital. After the procedure, the joint should be used as little as possible for several days. You may need … what your doctor prefers. Why It Is Done This procedure is used for treatment in large joints. Procedures done with … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… get on your head. Pubic lice are also called "crabs" because they look like tiny crabs . Millions of people get pubic … It's rare to get pubic lice from a toilet seat. That's because lice can't live more than a day or two away from a human … them at home. What are the symptoms? Pubic lice usually cause itching around the genitals, anus, armpits, eyelashes, …
Health topics
… Overview Heartburn is common during pregnancy. That's because hormones cause the digestive system to slow down. The muscles that push … gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) . The same measures used to treat GERD can help with heartburn during pregnancy. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview What causes abdominal gas in babies? Some people have problems … as a means to remedy suspected food digestion problems. Causes of gas include: Swallowing air when sucking. A baby may … has holes that are too big. If you bottle-feed your baby, use nipples with holes large enough to drip cold formula at …