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6213 results found
Health topics
… Surgery Overview What To Expect After Surgery Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About … Surgery Overview Stress incontinence in women can cause frequent involuntary release of urine during activities … do self-catheterization temporarily. TVT surgery usually causes minimal pain and discomfort. Although you may resume …
Health topics
… diabetes educator to help you and your child understand and use carbohydrate counting. How do you count carbohydrates? … much fat to include in your child's meals. Start counting Use the meal plan to select food for your child's meals and … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… removable, ask your doctor if you can take it off when you use ice. If you have an adjustable splint that feels too … stick items under your splint to scratch the skin. Do not use oils or lotions near your splint. If the skin becomes … pad the edges with a soft material, such as moleskin, or use tape to cover the edges. If you're allowed to take your …
Health topics
… so you get some time for yourself. Share with your spouse, another relative, or a neighbour. While they watch your … A good time to be active is when your child is asleep. Use an exercise machine. If you can afford to buy a … isn't in your budget, try an online video. Or you can use an exercise app for your smartphone. You can try to jump …
Health topics
… moving into a newly built home. These symptoms can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals. For example: Those weekend headaches may be caused by a broken furnace leaking carbon monoxide. Materials in new buildings may cause nausea and rashes. What causes it? Exposure to some …
Health topics
… Lung Cancer On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms … quickly and is more likely to spread than NSCLC. What causes it? Most lung cancer is caused by smoking. But sometimes lung cancer develops in …
Health topics
… in healthy, athletic people. This type is not likely to cause complications, unless the heart rate is very slow (less … beats per minute). It rarely requires treatment unless it causes symptoms. Then a pacemaker may be implanted if there is no cause that can be easily treated. Sinus pause (also called …
Health topics
… A weak cervix is different from preterm labour . Labour causes regular, painful contractions of the uterus. What causes it? It's not clear what causes cervical insufficiency. But it has been linked to: …
Health topics
… and chronic kidney problems. Acute kidney injury, which used to be called acute renal failure, is more commonly … kidney failure. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is usually caused by an event that leads to kidney malfunction. Common causes include serious infection, blood loss from major …
Health topics
… Dizziness, shaking, or trembling. Stomach pain or nausea. Sweating. Chills or hot flashes. Feeling like you're … panic disorder . Worrying about future panic attacks can cause stress and interfere with your life. You may try to … or medicine may help you have less fear. This can be used to treat both panic attacks and PTSD. In …