6213 results found
Medical tests
… to see inside your vagina and the cervix. The doctor also uses a magnifying device to help see better. This device … vagina and cervix. Vinegar (acetic acid) or iodine may be used on your cervix to make abnormal areas easier to see. … a special liquid (Monsel's) or silver nitrate swab may be used on the area to stop the bleeding. If a sample of tissue …
Medical tests
… in their sweat. During the sweat test , medicine that causes a person to sweat is applied to the skin (usually on … cystic fibrosis on a newborn screening test. It also may be used to test people with a family history of cystic fibrosis … 45 minutes to 1 hour. How It Feels This test does not cause pain. Some children feel a light tingling or tickling …
Medical tests
… blood varies throughout her menstrual cycle . After menopause , it drops to a very low but constant level. Estriol … may be measured in women who have gone through menopause. It's done to find out their estrogen levels. It also … source of estrogen in women who have gone through menopause. For pregnant women, the level of estriol in the blood …
HealthLinkBC files
… the eyeball and the inside of the eyelid. It is usually caused by a virus or bacteria, and can spread easily to other people. Pinkeye may also be caused by an allergy, air pollution or other physical or … makes the whites of the eyes turn pink or red. It can cause teary, red, itchy eyes, and the eyelids may be swollen. …
HealthLinkBC files
… headache or neck stiffness for which you cannot find a cause, or other symptoms of WNV, contact your health care … are many simple things that you can do to protect yourself: Use mosquito repellent – Applying a mosquito repellent to … bites. Check the product label for instructions on proper use. For more information about insect repellents, see …
HealthLinkBC files
… frustrated easily Cries less but may whimper or whine more Uses the word ‘no’ correctly or shakes head May have a … what you tell them to do From 18 to 36 months, your child: Uses 2 or 3-word sentences Asks for help using words or actions Can count and use new words Understands shapes and sizes Shows a range of …
Health topics
… anywhere on the inside or outside of the body and can cause permanent scar tissue. They often form in the lungs. … nodes, liver, skin, or eyes. Sometimes sarcoidosis can cause high calcium levels in the blood. Sarcoidosis may affect … any treatment. For other people, sarcoidosis may cause long-lasting damage to the organ, and treatment may be …
Health topics
… Low back pain is very common among adults and is often caused by overuse and muscle strain or injury. Treatment can help you stay … avoid positions and activities that may increase or cause back pain, use ice, and take non-prescription pain …
Health topics
… child from getting sick or hurt. Immunize cats and dogs. Use flea-, tick-, and worm-control programs. Keep pet areas … with children. Many dogs will try to dominate children because of their small size. Also, some children aren't … swatting behaviours to toys instead of people. Get your pet used to nail trims. Closely supervise all interactions …
Health topics
… give you a target heart rate goal to start with. You can use your target heart rate to know how hard you need to … in monitoring your exercise tolerance. It is usually used as part of an organized cardiac rehab program. It is probably most useful to first learn about RPE with a health professional, …