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Health topics
… Preparing For Your Appointment Check Your Symptoms Overview Allergies are an overreaction of the body's natural defence … the immune system. Many people will have some problem with allergies or allergic reactions at some point in their … a severe allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) occurs, when allergies cause other problems (such as nosebleeds, ear …
Health features
… Seasonal Affective Disorder: Using Light Therapy Seasonal allergies Pollen, molds, dust mites and other allergens can cause fall seasonal allergies. Learn about seasonal allergies, including triggers, symptoms and home treatment: …
Health topics
… How can you manage asthma during pregnancy by treating allergies? It's common to have allergies, such as allergic rhinitis, along with asthma. Treating allergies is an important part of managing asthma during …
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… in families. Asthma is much more common in people who have allergies, though not everyone with allergies gets asthma. And not everyone with asthma has allergies. Pollution may cause asthma or make it worse. What …
Health topics
… in families. Asthma is much more common in people who have allergies, though not everyone with allergies gets asthma. And not everyone with asthma has allergies. Tobacco smoke can both cause asthma and make it …
Health topics
… Antibiotics work well to treat most bacterial infections. Allergies Allergies, especially hay fever, are another common … and stuffy (congested) ears and sinuses. The symptoms of allergies often last longer than a typical viral respiratory …
Health topics
… common bacterial infection of the lower respiratory system. Allergies Allergies are a common cause of respiratory problems. The … and a high-pitched sound when breathing (wheezing). Allergies and asthma often occur together. Other causes …
Health topics
… Name of medicine Why am I taking it? Do I have any new allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances? Yes ___ … Name of medicine Why am I taking it? Do I have any new allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances? Yes ___ …
Health topics
… called hay fever. The most common allergens in seasonal allergies are windblown pollens from trees, grasses, or … more time indoors. The most common causes of perennial allergies are dust mites , animal dander , cockroaches, or … called hay fever. The most common allergens in seasonal allergies are windblown pollens from trees, grasses, or …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview When you have allergies, you may feel better or worse at different times … your allergy symptoms will help you manage and treat your allergies. Managing your allergies is an important part of your health and can help …