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… you could have a heart attack or a stroke. Decompression sickness. Often called "the bends," decompression sickness happens when a scuba diver ascends too quickly. … on the type of injury. The main treatment for decompression sickness is time in a hyperbaric chamber. In the chamber, …
Health topics
… you use oxygen if you fly or visit a place that is at high altitude. Follow the instructions on how to use oxygen … you use oxygen if you fly or visit a place that is at high altitude. Follow the instructions on how to use oxygen …
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… foods. Limit sugary and high-fat foods. If you have morning sickness and lose weight during your first trimester, your … foods. Limit sugary and high-fat foods. If you have morning sickness and lose weight during your first trimester, your …
Health topics
… of the sun on summer days can cause a more severe sunburn. Altitude. It's easy to get sunburned at higher altitudes. That's because there's less of the earth's … of the sun on summer days can cause a more severe sunburn. Altitude. It's easy to get sunburned at higher altitudes. …
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