3949 results found
Health topics
… certain triggers such as a viral illness, a surgery, or pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Soon after you stand up, … certain triggers such as a viral illness, a surgery, or pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Soon after you stand up, …
Health topics
… usually don't cause symptoms. They are most often found during routine screening tests for colorectal cancer. A … looks. How are they diagnosed? Most colon polyps are found during tests for colorectal cancer. These tests include … , and CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) . Polyps found during a colonoscopy can often be removed during the test. …
Health topics
… Information Overview Teens' biological clocks change during puberty. Adolescents and teens tend to fall asleep … may: Have trouble getting up in the morning. Fall asleep during the day. Feel tired and grumpy during the day. Teenagers need about 10 hours of sleep each …
Health topics
… / training heart rate) - The rate your heart should beat during exercise in order to get the most improvement in … your target heart rate, use the following equations: During light intensity activity - Target heart rate is between 45% and 54% of your HRmax During moderate intensity activity - Target heart rate is …
Health topics
… air when sucking, or you may not be burping the baby enough during feedings. Fever will sometimes cause a baby to spit … at each feeding. Feed your baby slowly. Hold your baby during feedings. Don't prop your baby's bottle. Don't place your baby in an infant seat during feedings. Try a new type of bottle or use a nipple …
Health topics
… point and back of the elbow. To prevent and ease elbow pain during work, play, or daily activities: Strengthen your … in the joint. Use the correct techniques or positions during activities so that you don't strain your elbow. Use … that can injure a bursa or tendon . Alternate hands during activities if possible, such as when raking, …
Health topics
… people who have ICDs worry that the ICD might shock them during sex. The risk of getting a shock during sex seems to be the same as during any other similar level of exercise. If you get a …
… liver before you start and while you are taking pazopanib. During the first 2 months of treatment, liver tests will be … or plan to become pregnant. Your doctor will give you a pregnancy test before starting treatment. You should not … men should ask about reliable forms of birth control to use during treatment with this medication and for at least 2 …
Health topics
… belly, upper arms, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles. During liposuction, other techniques such as laser, … be prepared to cover costs resulting from complications during or after surgery or the need for "touch-up" surgery. … belly, upper arms, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles. During liposuction, other techniques such as laser, …
Medical tests
… you exercise. Sometimes EKG abnormalities can be seen only during exercise or while you have symptoms. This test is sometimes called a "stress test" or a "treadmill test." During an exercise EKG, you may either walk on a … exercise. Help find the cause of symptoms that occur during exercise or activity, such as dizziness; fainting; or …