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3950 results found
Health topics
… use of medicine to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during a procedure. Sometimes it's used to help with pain. … In some cases, an anesthesia professional may be there during the procedure to help keep you safe. This is often … problems. These include: Smoking. Sleep apnea. This happens during sleep when a blocked airway causes breathing …
Health topics
… is called the epidural space. An epidural is often used during childbirth. But it may also be used during and after certain types of surgery. These include hip, knee, and gynecologic surgery. During surgery, an epidural will numb you so that you don't …
Health topics
… (benign). Most cervical polyps are first discovered during a pelvic examination. Usually only a single polyp develops, though sometimes two or three are found during an examination. What causes them? The cause of … treated? The most common treatment is removal of the polyp during a pelvic examination . This can be done simply by …
Health topics
… of sleep apnea, including being very tired and sleepy during the day, your doctor will probably suggest a … become narrow. Everyone's throat muscles and tongue relax during sleep. But in some people, certain things can cause … apnea? Symptoms of sleep apnea can include: Being so sleepy during the day that it gets in the way of the normal things …
HealthLinkBC files
… Files #30c Quitting smoking HealthLinkBC Files #38d Pregnancy and alcohol use HealthLinkBC File #97 Contact with …
Health topics
… that do not involve the spine, such as tumours or pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of sciatica … that do not involve the spine, such as tumours or pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of sciatica …
HealthLinkBC files
… the heat and humidity are much higher than we would expect during a normal summer day. Extreme heat can be harmful to … need. This makes it especially important to monitor them during extreme heat events. If your infant or child is sick, … HealthLinkBC File #35a Safety for the perinatal population during extreme heat HealthLinkBC File #35b Safety for …
Health topics
… cm (2 in.) . Your baby's head will grow at its fastest rate during the first 4 months after birth than at any other … Squinty-looking, bloodshot eyes. This is caused by swelling during labour and delivery. Also, antibiotic eye ointment … boys and girls when the mother's hormones pass to the baby during birth. Some babies may even have some milky fluid …
Health topics
… my bathroom mirror. It said, 'I will take a 10-minute walk during my morning coffee break every day this week.'" The … on the mirror. This one said, "I will take a 10-minute walk during my morning break AND my afternoon break every day … One of her co-workers, Tara, started walking with Shellie during their breaks. "Tara used a phone app that kept track …
Medical tests
… taken from the lining of your stomach and small intestine during an endoscopy . Several different tests may be done on … any pain or discomfort. If your doctor collects the sample during a rectal examination, you may feel some pressure or … as the tube is moved. Even though you won't be able to talk during the procedure because you have a tube in your throat, …