3950 results found
Health topics
… What time did you get up? Did you wake up during your sleep time? How many times? For how long? Did … unusual or stressful = 5) What did you do during the 30 minutes before bed? Yesterday, … What time did you get up? Did you wake up during your sleep time? How many times? For how long? Did …
Health topics
… and is released as gas (flatus). Babies often swallow air during feeding. It is important to burp your baby during and after feeding. Swallowed air may cause a baby to … and is released as gas (flatus). Babies often swallow air during feeding. It is important to burp your baby during and …
Health topics
… Citations Cluett ER, et al. (2018). Immersion in water during labour and birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic … Medicine Cluett ER, et al. (2018). Immersion in water during labour and birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic … Citations Cluett ER, et al. (2018). Immersion in water during labour and birth. Cochrane Database of Systematic …
Health topics
… The main reason doctors recommend removing the ovaries during hysterectomy is to lower the risk of ovarian cancer … cancer when deciding whether to have your ovaries removed during your hysterectomy. Your doctor will help you find out … cause hot flashes and other symptoms. Removing the ovaries during hysterectomy poses no additional surgical risks than …
Medical tests
… You will be given a cloth or paper to cover yourself during the test. You will lie on your back on a table. A … can be viewed from other angles. You need to lie very still during each scan to avoid blurring the pictures. You may be asked to hold your breath briefly during some of the scans. Each scan may take about 60 to 90 …
Health topics
… somnolence (EDS), which means you fall asleep suddenly during the day or feel very tired all the time. This can be … medicine or give you medicine to help you feel more awake during the day. Insomnia . In Parkinson's disease, insomnia … you have trouble falling asleep or that you wake up a lot during the night. Many things can cause problems sleeping, …
Health topics
… obsessive-compulsive disorder. The devices are often put in during separate surgeries on different days. Your doctor … are placed in your brain. You may or may not be awake during the surgery. If you're awake, you will help the … to help place the electrodes. It may seem scary to be awake during this surgery. But your scalp will be numb. You won't …
Health topics
… of ways. You may help your loved one for several weeks during recovery with a number of tasks, including shopping, … Simple cleaning tasks can be too physically demanding during recovery. But a clean house is crucial to both mood … loved one will need to go to frequent doctor appointments during recovery. He or she might also need to go to cardiac …
Health topics
… can range from mild to severe. Stuttering that starts during a child's early language-learning years (ages 2 … stutter. It tends to get worse at stressful times, such as during public speaking. It often doesn't occur during activities like singing, whispering, talking while …
Health topics
… is a less invasive procedure called endovascular repair, during which a tube called a stent graft is inserted through … The test itself doesn't have risks. But what if you learn during the test that you have a bulge in your aorta? There's … with the stent graft in the aorta. And some people die during the operation or soon after. With open surgery (the …