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3952 results found
Medical tests
… scan that is done to look at these organs for disease. During a liver and spleen scan, a radioactive tracer … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. You will empty your bladder right before the scan. During the test The technologist cleans the site on your arm …
Health topics
… but some don't. With an incomplete miscarriage, some of the pregnancy tissue stays in the uterus. With a missed … to know why a miscarriage has happened. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make emotions stronger than usual. … doesn't end a pregnancy. This is more likely to happen during the earliest weeks of pregnancy. Risks Vacuum …
Medical tests
… buildup of fatty material called plaque in a blood vessel. During a CT angiogram, you lie on a table that passes … a medicine called a beta-blocker to slow your heart rate during the test. Benefits and limitations A CT angiogram is … doctor finds a major blockage in one of your blood vessels during a CT angiogram, you won't be able to get an …
HealthLinkBC files
… Listeriosis can also be transferred to a developing baby during pregnancy or to a newborn baby during delivery. Who is at risk of infection? Most people …
Health topics
… postpartum depression, which refers to depression after a pregnancy. Perinatal depression is much broader. It refers to depression that occurs both during pregnancy and up to one year after your baby’s … experiencing any of the signs and symptoms of depression during your pregnancy or after your baby is born, help is …
Health features
… protection from Hypothermia and cold temperature exposure during extreme cold weather. Emergency warming centres and … website. Featured topics Common illnesses and injuries during winter Cold and flu, and some other conditions and illnesses are more common or worse during the winter months. The holidays can also be a …
Health topics
… used in childbirth? You have many choices to relieve pain during childbirth. These include medical and non-medical … may help reduce pain and help you feel a sense of control during labour. These techniques include: Support. Having a … only job is to give you constant support. Distraction. During early labour, you can walk, play cards, watch TV, …
Medical tests
… ankle. It also can be done on the hip, elbow, and wrist. During arthroscopy , the arthroscope is put into your joint … magnified images provide a clear picture of your joint. During the procedure, a sample of joint tissue can be … tests. Do surgery to repair a joint problem. It may be used during surgery to: Shave bone tissue to remove calcium …
Health topics
… of having a heart attack (often a silent heart attack ) during strenuous exercise. And it may cause sudden shifts in your blood pressure during or after exercise. Make sure you talk to your doctor … beyond your body's limits. Keeping a safe body temperature during exercise Autonomic neuropathy may reduce the body's …
Health topics
… Overview The ring is used to prevent pregnancy. It's a soft plastic ring that you put into your … for 3 weeks in a row and then go without a ring for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Or you may use the … using a vaginal hormonal ring . Usually, a ring is started during one of the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle . The …