3952 results found
Medical tests
… it can evaluate the collecting system inside the kidneys. During IVP, a dye called contrast material is injected into … and you will be given a cloth or paper covering to use during the test. You will be asked to urinate just before the test starts. During the test You will lie on your back on an X-ray table. …
Health topics
… can be caused by hormone changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy or with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) . Swelling … doctor about taking extra calcium. When to call for help during self-care Call a doctor if any of the following occur …
Health topics
… women. There is no known fetal risk linked to using ginger during pregnancy. Some women have reported heartburn or reflux. … women. There is no known fetal risk linked to using ginger during pregnancy. Some women have reported heartburn or …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview The ring is used to prevent pregnancy. It's a soft plastic ring that you put into your … for 3 weeks in a row and then go without a ring for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Your period may be … for 3 weeks in a row and then go without a ring for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Your period may be …
Health topics
… very painful, cluster headaches don't cause long-term harm. During a cycle, you may be able to reduce how often you have … won't need these tests. How are cluster headaches treated during a cycle? When a headache starts, you can take … may help prevent more headaches or reduce how many you have during a cycle. You take this medicine every day during the …
Health topics
… in a rehabilitation program. You will hear a common theme during your recovery: Everyone heals at a different pace. … will also tell you what activities you can and cannot do during your recovery. Recovery from major surgery has both … emotional support from friends, family, and medical staff during your recovery. What you have to do during your …
Health topics
… get headaches often, you may need to take medicines daily during a cluster period to prevent a future headache or … the severe pain of cluster headaches. To prevent headaches during a cluster period Some medicines that prevent cluster headaches during a cluster period include: Suboccipital steroid …
Medical tests
… of the blood flow in the blood vessels of the lung . During an angiogram, a thin tube called a catheter is placed … or most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. During the test You will likely have an intravenous (IV) …
Health topics
… until your doctors feel it is safe for you to go home. During this time, staff on the cardiac recovery floor will … wall muscles You will exercise your chest wall muscles during your recovery with a machine called an incentive … Anesthesia and appetite Along with putting you to sleep during surgery, anesthesia has several side effects. Two of …
… cells, white cells, and platelets. This effect can cause anemia, decrease your body's ability to fight an infection, … may harm an unborn baby. Your doctor should order a pregnancy test before you start this medication. Women … cells, white cells, and platelets. This effect can cause anemia, decrease your body's ability to fight an infection, …