3952 results found
Medical tests
… is a blood test that may be done at 15 to 22 weeks of pregnancy. It's used to look for possible problems with your … Estriol (uE3). This is a form of estrogen that increases during pregnancy. It's made in large amounts by the … Estriol (uE3). This is a form of estrogen that increases during pregnancy. It's made in large amounts by the …
Health topics
… 2 At the first prenatal visit for all pregnant women. During the third trimester and again at delivery for … to their babies. All pregnant women should be tested during their first prenatal visit. If a pregnant woman is at … on sexually transmitted infections: Specific population—Pregnancy. Public Health Agency of Canada . …
Medical tests
… (say "NEW-kuhl") translucency screening is a test done during pregnancy. It uses ultrasound to measure the thickness of … The test usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes. How It Feels During a nuchal translucency test, you may have a feeling of …
… at least 3 weeks before this medication starts working. During this time, your doctor will instruct you to take … (such as anxiety, restlessness) interrupted breathing during sleep This medication may rarely make your blood … lightheadedness can increase the risk of falling. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly …
Health topics
… vaginal bleeding caused by the movement of your uterus during the surgery. If you had a laparoscopy, your stomach … It Works Tubal ligation is not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. There is a slight risk of becoming pregnant after … heavy blood loss, general anesthesia problems, organ injury during surgery, and need for a larger laparotomy incision …
Medical tests
… done when there is any question about how the baby is doing during later pregnancy. Some women with high-risk pregnancies are tested … it can be because the baby is asleep. If this happens during your test, the doctor or technician may try to wake …
Health topics
… syndrome (SIDS)? Sometimes a baby who seems healthy dies during sleep. If this happens to a healthy baby younger than … controls breathing, heart rate and rhythm, and temperature during the first few months of life. There are some factors that may increase the risk of SIDS. If during pregnancy, the mother: Is younger than 20 years old. Smokes …
Health topics
… most people don't have symptoms. Trich can cause problems during pregnancy. What causes it? Trich is caused by a parasite . … in the genital area. Pain or burning when you urinate. Pain during sex. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose trich, your …
… has caused severe (often fatal) birth defects when used during pregnancy. You must have 2 negative pregnancy tests before … intercourse) for 1 month before starting thalidomide, during use, and for 1 month after stopping this drug. Talk …
Health topics
… versions of this article. To keep supply and demand working during breastfeeding: Avoid unnecessary supplements such as …