3952 results found
Health topics
… are the structures that make up the urinary tract . Pain during urination (dysuria) and a frequent need to urinate … touches irritated skin around the vagina or urethra. Pain during urination because of skin irritation occurs more … body travel to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Except during the first 3 months of life, girls are more likely …
Health topics
… In some cases, the cause is not known. What happens during a flare-up? When you have a COPD flare-up, your lungs … In some cases, the cause is not known. What happens during a flare-up? When you have a COPD flare-up, your lungs …
Health topics
… use laxatives on a long-term basis. Symptoms to watch for during home treatment Call your doctor or nurse advice line … use laxatives on a long-term basis. Symptoms to watch for during home treatment Call your doctor or nurse advice line …
… order blood tests and watch for symptoms of liver disease during treatment and for several months after your last dose … cells, white cells, and platelets. This effect can cause anemia, decrease your body's ability to fight an infection, … cells, white cells, and platelets. This effect can cause anemia, decrease your body's ability to fight an infection, …
… problems (including heart failure). This may occur both during treatment or months to years after treatment is … history, especially of: blood/bleeding disorders (such as anemia, low blood cell counts) gout heart disease (such as … history, especially of: blood/bleeding disorders (such as anemia, low blood cell counts) gout heart disease (such as …
Health topics
… approach is used most often. You will be asleep during the surgery. The doctor will separate the upper part … vitamins and minerals. This can lead to problems such as anemia and osteoporosis . Some people get gallstones . Some … vitamins and minerals. This can lead to problems such as anemia and osteoporosis . Some people get gallstones . Some …
Health topics
… HIV/AIDS) and unintended pregnancies. If you're pregnant Pregnancy can be an especially dangerous time for women who are in abusive relationships. Problems during pregnancy, such as low weight gain, anemia, infections, and bleeding, are higher for these …
Health topics
… or milk intolerance . Overeating or swallowing too much air during feeding can cause belly cramps. These cramps can make … baby will cry for hours at a time, no matter what you do. During a crying episode, a colicky baby may cry loudly and … normal part of your child's life. Stay as calm as possible during crying episodes. There are many different ways to …
Health topics
… or an injury. Leg injuries are most likely to occur during: Sports or recreational activities. Work-related … the home. Most leg injuries in children and teens occur during sports or play or from falls. The risk for injury is … ( Osgood-Schlatter disease ). This is more likely to occur during rapid growth periods. It's usually seen in teen …
… serious bleeding/blood problems. This effect can cause anemia, lower your body's ability to fight an infection, or … or bleed more easily. Your doctor will check you closely during and for at least 6 weeks after treatment to lessen … serious bleeding/blood problems. This effect can cause anemia, lower your body's ability to fight an infection, or …