3503 results found
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… of liver disease, such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, severe stomach/abdominal pain, dark urine, yellowing … (gastrointestinal stromal tumor). It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. How To Use Read the … by your doctor, usually once daily for 21 days, then stopping the medication for 7 days. This is one cycle of …
Health topics
… activities to help prevent or relieve angina. Know when to stop and rest. If an activity or exercise causes angina, stop and rest to relieve your symptoms. Be active at a lower … managing your angina. Let your doctor know if angina is stopping you from doing daily activities or doing things …
Health topics
… when a brace is applied. But in most cases, after the child stops wearing the brace, this correction is lost and the … treatment is usually continued until the child's skeleton stops growing. Two common types of braces include the: … a significant correction is often seen. But after the child stops wearing the brace, the curve usually returns. Although …
Health topics
… This spasm causes an intake of breath that is suddenly stopped by the closure of the vocal cords (glottis). This … adults. Types of hiccups The common type of hiccups usually stops within a few minutes to a few hours. Hiccups that last … the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which usually stops hiccups. Some of these remedies include: Holding your …
Health topics
… Menopause is the point in your life when you permanently stop having menstrual periods . After 1 year of having no … age 50. But everyone's body has its own time line. You may stop having periods in your mid-40s. Or you might have them … Bone loss increases around menopause, when ovaries stop making estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that protects …
Health topics
… Relapse On this page: Overview Overview Stopping substance use, whether you use alcohol or illegal … hard. Very few people succeed the first time they try to stop. A lapse or relapse is likely. A lapse is the first … you begin using drugs or alcohol again, follow these steps. Stop drinking or using the drug at once. Get rid of it. Pour …
Health topics
… opioids. And you could have withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them. Symptoms include nausea, sweating, chills, … and shaking. But you can avoid these symptoms if you slowly stop taking the medicine as your doctor tells you to. What … even though doing so hurts your relationships. You have stopped doing important activities because of your opioid …
Health topics
… works for you. If you're pregnant, it's best if you can stop smoking right away. If you're pregnant and can't stop yet, try to cut down as much as you can. Talk to your … who smoke will quit and restart many times before they stop for good. Each time you start smoking again, think …