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6349 results found
Health topics
… is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to make less hemoglobin or abnormal hemoglobin. … Hemoglobin helps red blood cells spread oxygen through your body. Low levels of hemoglobin may cause anemia , an … are missing or changed. If one gene is missing or changed: Your red blood cells might be smaller than normal. You will …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaccine is approved by Health Canada and is free as part of your child’s routine immunizations. Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should … of the throat, tongue or lips. If this reaction occurs, your health care provider is prepared to treat it. Emergency …
Health topics
… touch along with conventional medical treatments. Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if your doctor knows about all of your
Medical tests
… nicotine—or the chemicals it produces, such as cotinine—in your blood or urine. It's usually done by testing a sample of your blood or urine. The test is used to see if you smoke or … smoke but are using a quit-smoking aid like gum or a patch, your test result may be positive. But you may be able to get …
Health topics
… leave the area. Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health Drug Use and Your Health Current as of: March 22, 2023 Author: … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… that you use one time and then throw away. They can protect your health and the health of the person you're caring for. … when you give shots. Gloves do not protect you from poking your skin with sharp objects. So if you are handling sharp … when you choose not to use gloves or don't have any, keep your hands as clean as possible. After coming into contact …
Health topics
… unhealthy thoughts and behaviours towards food, weight, and your body shape. An eating disorder is more than just about … can be caused by various factors such as a person’s personality, mental health, genetic and biological factors, … Person at Risk      Eating Disorders: Feeling Better About Yourself Eating Disorders: Malnutrition Tests Useful …
Health topics
… If you haven't had a seizure in several years, you may ask your doctor if you can slowly stop or reduce your medicine. You and your doctor will need to weigh the benefits of stopping …
Health topics
… sun during these hours, make sure to take care to protect yourself and your family. Physical sunscreens, such as zinc oxide, are … that covers the back of the neck, and clothing to protect your child's skin. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and lip balm …
Health features
… To find mental health and substance use support services in your area, search the  HealthLinkBC Directory  or contact your  local health authority . Drug-related overdoses and … and could put you at increased risk Talking openly with your kids, teenagers, and adult children about drug use and …