6349 results found
Health topics
… and avoiding movements that hurt might be enough to help your back feel better. As soon as you can, ease back into your normal routine. Lying down or sitting for too long can … lie in positions that are most comfortable and that reduce your pain. Try one of these positions: Lie on your back with …
Health topics
… Overview Sex is part of a healthy life and is part of your quality of life. Most people with heart failure can still have an active sex life. You can ask your doctor to help you know if or when it's okay for you to have sex. If you or your partner is worried about having sex, talk with your …
Health topics
… health professionals. Each will have a specific role in your rehab. While you are in rehab, make sure to stay in touch with your doctor or other health professionals who can keep track of your progress and health. You will probably keep in close …
Health topics
… or lumps in the thyroid gland . This gland controls how your body uses energy. Most thyroid nodules are not cancer … When this happens, you may need treatment. What increases your risk for thyroid nodules? You are more likely to … to environmental radiation or past radiation treatment to your head, neck, and chest (especially during childhood) …
Health topics
… What are the most important things you need to know about your medicines? Make sure you know about each of the … general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are …
Health topics
… instruments, knitting, or using a sander. You can reduce your risk—and any hand pain or weakness you may already … you can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Arranging your activity and work space using ergonomic guidelines can … on how a workstation is set up, including the placement of your desk, computer monitor, paperwork, chair, and …
Health topics
… Overview Overview How does your weight affect your pregnancy? Most pregnant women have healthy babies—and … pregnant. But if you are obese, you can do a lot to improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Work with your …
Health topics
… called "tongue-tie." Before and during breastfeeding If your doctor says it is okay, take acetaminophen (such as … about 30 minutes before breastfeeding. Make sure that your baby is latching on correctly. View a slide show on latching to learn how to get your baby to latch on. To minimize discomfort, start …
Health topics
… there's a range of weight gain that's good for you and your baby. Ask your doctor or midwife what your range is for healthy weight gain. It's based on your …
Healthy eating
… bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition that affects your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Common symptoms of IBS … pain Bloating Constipation Cramping Diarrhea You may find your symptoms come and go over time and are triggered by … find a healthy way of eating that gives you good control of your symptoms. Below are tips to help you feel your best. …