4157 results found
Health topics
… in a smaller pill that you can try. Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia) Esophageal Spasm … in a smaller pill that you can try. Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia) Esophageal Spasm …
Health topics
… of stop-and-go movements, jumping, or weaving. What are the symptoms? Symptoms may include swelling, pain, and tenderness, … also be asked how you injured your knee and about your symptoms at the time you injured it. Your doctor will …
Health topics
… get pinworms and can't spread them to humans. What are the symptoms? Many people with pinworms don't have symptoms and don't know that they're infected. When symptoms occur, the most common ones are: Itching around the …
Health topics
… are women between the ages of 30 and 50. What are the symptoms? De Quervain's may cause pain when you twist your … in your thumb and wrist and to restore normal function. Symptoms often get better in a few weeks with home care. … you to start some gentle stretching exercises once your symptoms are gone. But if your wrist or thumb still hurts, …
Health topics
… or contaminated water (including ice cubes). What are the symptoms? Traveller's diarrhea can be mild to severe. Most people who develop traveller's diarrhea experience symptoms within the first 2 weeks, and often within 2 to 3 days, of arriving in a developing area. Symptoms include: Diarrhea. Abdominal cramps. Mild to severe …
Health topics
… problem or a side effect of certain medicines. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of premature ejaculation is an … problem or a side effect of certain medicines. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of premature ejaculation is an …
Health topics
… more severe long-term (chronic) medical conditions, such as asthma or heart disease, that make a longer procedure more … more severe long-term (chronic) medical conditions, such as asthma or heart disease, that make a longer procedure more …
Health topics
… Syndrome and Pregnancy Artificial Rupture of the Membranes Asthma During Pregnancy Baby Blues Back Pain During … and Cons of Hormonal Methods Black Cohosh for Menopause Symptoms Bladder Pain Syndrome (Interstitial Cystitis) Boric … How to Use a Breast Pump Breastfeeding: Sore Nipples Breathing Techniques for Childbirth Breech Position and …
Medical tests
… antibodies are found in areas of the body such the nose, breathing passages, digestive tract, ears, eyes, and vagina. … IgE often are found in people who have allergic reactions, asthma, atopic dermatitis , some types of cancer, and … IgE often are found in people who have allergic reactions, asthma, atopic dermatitis , some types of cancer, and …
Health topics
… pregnancy. Using cocaine during pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Some people with placenta previa don't have any symptoms. But others may have warning signs such as: … bright red, and the bleeding can range from light to heavy. Symptoms of preterm labour. These include regular …