4157 results found
… It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to … response to treatment. If there is no improvement in your symptoms, do not take more doses of this medication before … of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete list of possible side …
… This medication may rarely cause serious liver problems. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may occur before … develop. Get medical help right away if you have any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction or possible liver … (such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, trouble breathing, cough, non-healing skin sores) signs of an …
… It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to … to prevent a migraine. If there is no improvement in your symptoms, do not take more doses of this medication before … of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete list of possible side …
… until the full-prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication … or longer). Get medical help right away if you develop symptoms of lung problems, including: cough that doesn't go away chest pain shortness of breath/trouble breathing joint/muscle pain bluish/purplish skin Tell your …
… It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to … response to treatment. If there is no improvement in your symptoms, do not take more doses of this medication before … of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete list of possible side …
… until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication … pain/cramping blood/mucus in your stool If you have these symptoms, do not use anti-diarrhea or opioid products … of the face/tongue/throat) severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete list of possible side …
… medical help right away if you have any of the following symptoms: pain/numbness/burning/tingling/weakness in your … (such as drooping eyelids, unsteady walk) or trouble breathing. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor … until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication …
… medical help right away if you have any of the following symptoms: pain/numbness/burning/tingling/weakness in your … (such as drooping eyelids, unsteady walk) or trouble breathing. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor … until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication …
… medical help right away if you have any of the following symptoms: pain/numbness/burning/tingling/weakness in your … (such as drooping eyelids, unsteady walk) or trouble breathing. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor … until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication …
Health topics
… drink liquids or eat a piece of bread. You may not have any symptoms when something is stuck in your esophagus . But when symptoms are present, they may include: Rapid, noisy, or high-pitched breathing. Increased drooling. Trouble swallowing, pain when …