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Health topics
… This is called "resistance." For example, you use your arm muscles when you bend your arm at the elbow. But when you do the same movement with something heavy in your hand, your arm muscles are working against more …
Health topics
… quiet and introspective. You might be thinking about yourself and your baby and wondering if you can cope with contractions. … become stronger and more uncomfortable, you'll likely find yourself in need of calm, quiet support. Active first stage …
Health topics
… Pressure injuries usually occur over bony areas, such as your sit bones, hips, lower back, elbows, heels, and … surfaces (friction). Not getting enough nutrition to keep your body working well (malnutrition). Not being able to get … Having a disease that affects how well blood circulates in your body, such as diabetes or peripheral arterial disease. …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … time (8 to 12 weeks). But staying at a healthy weight is a lifelong effort. It is costly and possibly dangerous to …
Health topics
… and nerve and heart problems. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask about your symptoms and sexual history. You'll probably have one … especially if you don't have sores. If you do have sores, your doctor may take a sample of fluid from a sore for …
Healthy eating
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Introduction Eating well during your pregnancy gives your baby healthy nutrients to grow and develop. Some … need for a healthy pregnancy. Steps you can take To meet your energy (calorie) needs during pregnancy: Follow …
Health topics
… week 24, you may have noticed some jerking movements inside your belly—or even seen them on the outside! Repetitive, jerky movements usually mean your baby has the hiccups. Hiccups are perfectly normal and … last anywhere from a minute to an hour. Inside the uterus, your baby is enjoying some regular activities: thumb-sucking …
Health topics
… You may have felt ready for baby to come for a while, but your baby may still be perfectly happy inside. It can be very hard to wait to meet your baby! Wondering what your baby looks like at 40 weeks? Your baby is now about the …
Health topics
… rule, don't take anything unless you know it's safe for your baby. Some medications - including common pain … or even death. If you need pain medication, discuss with your healthcare provider about taking something that doesn’t … about medication safety during breastfeeding, discuss with your pharmacist or doctor. Herbal products Talk to your
Health topics
… three need careful attention; they can get very sick. When your toddler has a cough or cold, you might notice a runny … (which may or may not produce mucus), fever or sore throat. Your toddler may also be irritable.  To support a healthy recovery: Let your toddler rest Keep the room temperature comfortable - …