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Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … do they work? Statins lower the amount of cholesterol in your blood by reducing how much cholesterol your body makes. …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? … not listed here. Check the information that comes with your medicine. General information about side effects All …
HealthLinkBC files
… breast/chest feeding. Because of the risk of passing HIV to your baby, it is very important for you to get tested for … You need to start treatment as soon as possible to improve your own health and help you have a healthy pregnancy and … Should I get tested if I am planning a pregnancy? Knowing your HIV status is important information in planning a …
Health topics
… dry eye syndrome? Dry eye syndrome is a problem involving your tears. Your eyes need tears to stay clean and healthy. Tears are … go away with treatment. But for some people, it can be a lifetime problem. What causes it? Dry eyes can be caused by …
Health topics
… isn't treated right away, it can spread and you can lose your tooth or have other health problems. What causes it? … especially when you chew. Red, swollen gums. A bad taste in your mouth. Swelling in your jaw or face. A fever. A red, swollen bump in your
Medical tests
… to measure the thickness of fat at one or more places on your body. It is most accurate when a well-trained person … impedance. A small electrical current is passed through your body to measure your body's electrical resistance. This resistance is used …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Genes influence your weight by their effect on: How calories are used … rest. If you have a lower BMR, it is easier to gain weight. Your BMR can change slightly in response to certain … your actual weight within that range is influenced by your lifestyle or environment. Your set point adjusts to a new …
Medical tests
… Feels Test Overview A non-stress test is a test that checks your baby's heartbeat patterns. It can show heart rate … 2 hours before the test. This is because smoking affects your baby's heart rate and movements. How It Is Done For the … table. Two elastic belts with sensors are placed across your belly. One sensor tracks your baby's heart rate with …
Health topics
… or hurts themself on purpose. You may feel worried about your friend. And you may be wondering what to do. You can't stop your friend from self-injuring, but you can be there for them. Here are some ways to support your friend. Encourage your friend to seek help. Your friend …
Health topics
… . Doctors can use blood cultures to test for bacteria in your bloodstream. Oximetry. An oximeter can estimate the amount of oxygen in your blood. A sensor in a cuff or clip is placed on the end of your finger. This sensor measures how much oxygen is in your