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6207 results found
Health topics
… object, situation, or distressing thought or memory. During this type of counselling, you may relive a traumatic … thought. But you do it while in a controlled environment. During this type of therapy, a counsellor helps you while … the physical and emotional distress that you may feel during this experience. You confront and learn to cope with …
Medical tests
… studies are tests that record what happens to your body during sleep. The studies are done to find out what's … and REM alternate through these stages about 4 to 6 times during a night's sleep. A change in this cycle may make it … Polysomnogram. This test records several body functions during sleep, such as brain activity, eye movement, oxygen …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect how your hair looks and feels. … But in some cases, hair may become more limp and lifeless during pregnancy. Hair may appear on other parts of your … body, such as your belly, face, or back. This is normal during pregnancy. After pregnancy, your hair's growth cycle …
Health topics
… Sleep apnea means that breathing stops for short periods during sleep. When you stop breathing or have reduced … children. In rare cases, sleep apnea in children can cause developmental delays and failure of the right side of the … children. In rare cases, sleep apnea in children can cause developmental delays and failure of the right side of the …
Health topics
… usually don't cause symptoms. They are most often found during routine screening tests for colorectal cancer. A … looks. How are they diagnosed? Most colon polyps are found during tests for colorectal cancer. These tests include … , and CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) . Polyps found during a colonoscopy can often be removed during the test. …
Medical tests
… affect the inner ear, brain, or the nerves connecting them. During ENG, electrodes are attached to the face near the … nausea and vomiting. Do not wear facial makeup or lotion during the test so the electrodes can attach to the skin. If … tell your doctor, so your neck and back will be protected during the test. How It Is Done Electronystagmography (ENG) …
Health topics
… straightening of the penis, the curvature is most obvious during an erection. The curvature may cause pain for the … or it may be so severe that it prevents penetration during intercourse. Peyronie's disease usually affects men … the scarring may be caused by minor injuries to the penis during sexual intercourse. Peyronie's disease is not caused …
Health topics
… staff member available who your child can go to if needed during the school day. Have help during class time. Your child may need special attention or help during class if they need help to sit still or focus. Choose …
… using diazepam. Diazepam may harm an unborn baby. Newborn babies of mothers who use this medication late in pregnancy … using diazepam. Diazepam may harm an unborn baby. Newborn babies of mothers who use this medication late in pregnancy …
… using lorazepam. Lorazepam may harm an unborn baby. Newborn babies of mothers who use this medication late in pregnancy … using lorazepam. Lorazepam may harm an unborn baby. Newborn babies of mothers who use this medication late in pregnancy …