6207 results found
Health topics
… calculate the amount of body fluid that is cleared of urea during each dialysis session. This is called the Kt/V. Kt represents the amount of fluid that is cleared of urea during each dialysis session. It is measured in millilitres … calculate the amount of body fluid that is cleared of urea during each dialysis session. This is called the Kt/V. Kt …
Health topics
… Do they ever occur at school? What does your child do during a temper tantrum? How intense is the behaviour? How … Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Louis Pellegrino MD - Developmental Pediatrics Current as of: March 1, 2023 … Romito MD - Family Medicine & Louis Pellegrino MD - Developmental Pediatrics This information does not replace …
Health topics
… you use a wrist splint: When worn to stabilize the wrist during sleep, a wrist splint can reduce pain and pressure on … But long-term use can cause your muscles to weaken. During and after a period of splint use, exercise and slowly … you use a wrist splint: When worn to stabilize the wrist during sleep, a wrist splint can reduce pain and pressure on …
Health topics
… will want to explore. Learn ways of nurturing your child’s development and build your relationship with them. Image … emotional and health needs. Image Preschooler growth and development Learn what to expect during your child’s preschool years, including speech and …
Health topics
… nipple and the area around it. You will probably be asleep during surgery. You may be able to go home the same day. … Breast cancer screening Breast implants may cause problems during mammograms. Having implants may make it harder to … tissue. This may make the mammogram harder to interpret. During a mammogram, the breast has to be squeezed tightly to …
Medical tests
… breathing in a saltwater (saline) mist and then coughing. During bronchoscopy , which uses a bronchoscope to look at … are not able to deliver it immediately. Bronchoscopy sample During bronchoscopy, a thin, lighted instrument … If you have general anesthesia, you will feel nothing during the procedure. Risks Home or office sample There are …
Health topics
… them. But doctors don't recommend starting allergy shots during pregnancy. Compare your options Compare Compare … of the year, and I try to avoid being exposed to pollen during those times. My doctor and I also have spent a lot of … my allergies, and I get several sinus infections every year during allergy season. I could take drugs to treat a runny …
Health topics
… may need to increase the use of asthma-control medicines during such visits. Children may be concerned about having … They may fear that they will not be able to breathe during an attack. If symptoms are controlled daily, children … may need to increase the use of asthma-control medicines during such visits. Children may be concerned about having …
Health topics
… well understood. Hot flashes are more common at night than during the day and are a common cause of sleep problems for … in their 30s. Hot flashes are most frequent and intense during the first 2 years of post-menopause , when estrogen … well understood. Hot flashes are more common at night than during the day and are a common cause of sleep problems for …
Health topics
… lose short-term memories. A blackout is a type of amnesia . During a blackout, you may function normally. People around … and seek treatment because of them. You may pass out during a blackout. This can be caused by the effects of the … lose short-term memories. A blackout is a type of amnesia . During a blackout, you may function normally. People around …