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6207 results found
Health topics
… shots are given after careful skin testing for an allergy. During initial treatment, allergy shots are given once or … ( allergic asthma ). Symptoms occur all year long or during a large part of the year. It is hard to control … But it is not recommended that allergy shots be started during pregnancy. Allergy shots take 3 to 5 years to …
Health topics
… Is Done On this page: Overview Overview During coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, your … bypass machine, your heart will be temporarily stopped during the surgery so your surgeon can perform surgery on … it can feed into the heart muscle. Preventing blood loss during surgery During the surgery, blood may spill into your …
Health topics
… Liposuction removes fat from your body using suction. During the procedure, small, thin, blunt-tipped tubes … large area treated, may increase the risk of complications during or after the procedure. Common side effects of … area. Damage to the nerves and skin. The heat generated during ultrasound-assisted liposuction may burn the skin or …
… of urine) fast/pounding heartbeat interrupted breathing during sleep (sleep apnea) mental/mood changes (such as … of urine) fast/pounding heartbeat interrupted breathing during sleep (sleep apnea) mental/mood changes (such as …
Health topics
… symptoms depend on your mood swings, or "highs" and "lows." During a manic high, you may feel very happy, energetic, or on edge. During a low, you may feel sad and have trouble thinking and … symptoms depend on your mood swings, or "highs" and "lows." During a manic high, you may feel: Very happy, energetic, or …
Medical tests
… pancreas, breast, ovary, or lung. CEA is normally produced during the development of a fetus . The production of CEA stops before … breast, ovary, or lung. CEA is normally produced during the development of a fetus . The production of CEA stops before …
Health topics
… out of place. At first, it may slip out of the anus only during bowel movements. Over time, this may occur when you … the risk of rectal prolapse. These include straining during bowel movements because of constipation. Tissue … out of place. At first, it may slip out of the anus only during bowel movements. Over time, this may occur when you …
Medical tests
… of oxygen in the blood. A heart defect may be diagnosed during this procedure. Sometimes, a heart defect is treated during the same procedure or a later one. If your child has … of oxygen in the blood. A heart defect may be diagnosed during this procedure. Sometimes, a heart defect is treated …
Health topics
… decrease around sunset. Keep windows and doors closed, both during the day and at night. Use air-conditioning, and … Mould also produces spores that move around in outdoor air during warmer months. By taking the following precautions, … decrease around sunset. Keep windows and doors closed, both during the day and at night. Use air-conditioning, and …
Medical tests
… areas such as the belly, the pelvis, or the arms and legs. During the test, a small, hand-held device called a … used to help guide the placement of a needle or other tool during a biopsy. How to Prepare In general, there's nothing … areas such as the belly, the pelvis, or the arms and legs. During the test, a small, hand-held device called a …