6207 results found
Health topics
… They happen when your heart is working hard, such as during exercise. Your symptoms go away when you rest or … other tests do not have the risks of an angiogram. If, during the test, your doctor sees that your arteries are … It can also show where they are narrowed and by how much. During the test, a thin tube called a catheter is placed in …
Health topics
… type of surgery may increase your risk for certain problems during pregnancy. Taking out the uterus can cure uterine … grow. Your body makes the highest levels of these hormones during the years you have periods. After menopause, when … in the lower belly. Trouble getting pregnant. Problems during pregnancy, such as miscarriage or preterm labour. …
Health topics
… life. There is a chance that your prostate cancer may grow during active surveillance. But you will have frequent … recommend other treatment, such as surgery or radiation. During active surveillance, your doctor will watch for any … There is a chance that your prostate cancer will grow during active surveillance. But if the cancer grows, it can …
Health topics
… Temperature. Symptoms of heart failure often get worse during hot, humid days. Use an air conditioner during the summer. Giving emotional support You can help … important instructions. He or she may also feel less alone during recovery. Living through the last weeks or months of …
Health topics
… as sudden, unplanned displays of anger or other emotions. During a tantrum, children often whine, cry, or scream. They … Breath-Holding Spells Growth and Development, Ages 12 to 24 Months Growth and Development, Ages 2 to 5 Years Current as of: …
Health topics
… weeks following your surgery. Try to make your life simpler during the recovery period by doing things such as paying … A very low blood count may need to be increased before or during surgery with a blood transfusion. Prothrombin time … the day of your surgery, for someone to help you at home during your first week out of the hospital, and for someone …
… from feeling the chest pain you would normally experience during a heart attack or with other heart problems (such as … of this drug, especially the effects on blood pressure. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when … your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medication during pregnancy. This medication passes into breast milk. …
Health topics
… general health, physical growth, and emotional and social development. It can also change how well they make … and nervous system. It can also cause some cancers. If used during pregnancy, alcohol can harm a developing baby … in Children and Teens Feeling Depressed Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years Growth and Development, …