6204 results found
Health topics
… time, place, and situation (for example, after a meal or during a coffee break) for each time you use tobacco. The … time, place, and situation (for example, after a meal or during a coffee break) for each time you use tobacco. The …
Health topics
… Quitting Smoking Quitting Smoking and Avoiding Smoke During Pregnancy Quitting Smoking: How Family and Friends … Quitting Smoking Quitting Smoking and Avoiding Smoke During Pregnancy Quitting Smoking: How Family and Friends …
Health topics
… and friends, even if it's only a phone call or coffee during the week. Join a caregiver support group. Meeting … and friends, even if it's only a phone call or coffee during the week. Join a caregiver support group. Meeting …
Health topics
… treatment should help you achieve good control of symptoms during the day, at night, and after exercise. These symptoms … treatment should help you achieve good control of symptoms during the day, at night, and after exercise. These symptoms …
Health topics
… the morning to the evening or after a day at work. Stand during the fitting process. Your foot is longer when you … the morning to the evening or after a day at work. Stand during the fitting process. Your foot is longer when you …
Health topics
… This type of medicine can prevent angina that occurs during daily activities. It is not used to stop sudden … This type of medicine can prevent angina that occurs during daily activities. It is not used to stop sudden …
Health topics
… it may be hard for him or her to use crutches or walkers during the rehab process following a total hip replacement. … it may be hard for him or her to use crutches or walkers during the rehab process following a total hip replacement. …
Medical tests
… a small chance that the cervix or uterus could be punctured during the biopsy. Bleeding or a pelvic infection is also … a small chance that the cervix or uterus could be punctured during the biopsy. Bleeding or a pelvic infection is also …
Health topics
… be needed for: Wounds with smooth edges that stay together during normal movement of the affected body part. Shallow … be needed for: Wounds with smooth edges that stay together during normal movement of the affected body part. Shallow …
Health topics
… juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, … juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, …